This is my favorite of the oranges. I admit I did a little dance when I got that glow just right. The best way I have found to get that glow, is to put it in first. And make it bigger than it actually is. Then come back in with the "white" bits, (pith) and put that OVER the glow. That works for other things that glow too: grapes, flowers lit from behind, sliced citrus, etc.
I'm ready to dance too, cause I would like to have that vibrant of a reflection and at least now I now how to try. This one has all of my favorite colors, turquoise (just a hint) orange and lime green, and it is a great composition. It makes me happy just to look at it!
I also love the reflection, and the little bit of lighter blue in the cup handle that adds the zing to the orange. What a great picture!
Carol!! That is SO totally gorgeous! I love it. It rocks against the colors of the mugs. :)
I paint with watercolors but everytime I see your latest painting I think "I wanna try oils!" I never have before.:)
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing "the glow" technique. Just like what you've taught so many of us, "Paint the most vulnerable color first." I love the dark surface and background too.
That bit of 'glow' works like a magnet. What a lovely place to rest!
I did a little dance reading your post too! I always struggled with how naughty it was to paint the light bits first! I just couldn't work out how to glow otherwise. Thanks for the reinforcement! I'm gonna use it today when I paint.
Thanks for the tip on the glow...your colors have been so vibrant and beautiful lately....you must have a glow too!
What a great painting Carol, and thank you for the glowing info. Always fun to read your blog.
Great tip! Thanks.
Okay, you make it sound so easy, I'm going to try it - wish me luck. Love that reflection on the green vessel behind it too - really lovely.
The orange does glow. But I'm in love with the light falling on the green vase.
This is wonderful Carol. Such gorgeous colors. Thanks for the tip on creating that glow.
Fabulous Carol!! Love the colors and had to put on my sunglasses due to "the glow". ;) Awesome!
:D I giggled when I read that.
I just love the glow.
Carol, I love this one. It has so many of my favorite colors and they have a wonderful glow about them. That orange is just the best.
Someone mentioned that you recommend painting "the most vulnerable area first". I've watched the video many times and think I see that you painted the apple from light to dark and then the cups from dark to light. Am I correct--do you have a system? Thank you
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