I took this shot when I was in Boston recently. Such a quintessential teenage girl talk moment. It reminded me of a conversation I had in high school with some other girls about - and I swear this really happened - what the difference was between "I was like" and "I was all". You know, like, "She said no and I was all - no you didn't!"
Yes,,exactly. I have two daughters myself and you captured the moment that happened so many times. I also painted them myself quite a bit! But this is the quite moment and so perfect!!
Love the spontaneous quality in your paintings
So funny! It's nice to see you doing some figures. This one has a mosaic quality to it. Very cool.
I'm liking the figure work! Very nice.
great title! I love the light on her knee that draws my eye right up the arm to their faces.
I'm sure their conversation is clear as mud. You did a great job with the shadows and lights in this one. Love it.
You captured the gesture perfectly - I can hear the same conversation!
LOL! Silly award of the day goes to Carol Marine. OK, "I was like" or "I went" means "I said." "I was all" means how I was acting or feeling, like embarrassed or whatever...
I just like made that all up. Who knows what we meant when we were young. Everything was "gross", I remember that!
Ha ha ha ha!
You manage to also capture the figures in very determined, simplified strokes - it's lovely and I have a feeling you're going to have a particularly good time with the titles on these!
omg, your figure paintings are like so awesome...fur sure. seriously...do more.
Like...I'm all wowed :D
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