I've had quite a few requests to do another demo video, and I am proud to say - HERE IT IS! My husband and I created a very special video of this painting - including both the painting AND my palette. My husband made this happen - it looks simple but he put a lot of thought and effort in to it. Thank you, sweetie! (to view this larger, click on expanding arrow icon, bottom right on the video player below.)

International viewers, please click here to see the video.
love the video!!! Thanks !!!!!
Thanks, Carol, for the wonderful video! It's nice to be able to watch you paint one of your awesome paintings!
As usual, very cool and amazing ... and great music
Wow! You are painting so fast! :)
Great video! It makes me really excited to be coming to your workshop in LA in December! Thanks for sharing it and thank your husband for me too!
Brava!!!! Your video is inspired and the painting is fabulous. LOVE BOTH! XOX
Very-Very cool video. Love it.
Really good Carol - love the use of screen space. Are you going to turn this into a dvd at normal speed with narration? If you do you'll really need to put the resource photo in there so we can see what you're working from. Would like to see that.
All the best,
I love that you included your palette in the video, so cool :)
Just too cool!
This was really neat to see. Thank you for posting!
Shoot, the video isn't available internationally. Music rights, maybe?
I'm exhausted after watching that! Great to see how you develop the painting though!
Excellent! Great demo, great painting, and impressive husband! ...I really loved the music also...Bravo!
Thanks for taking the time to do this. You work is so fun and inspiring!
My children watched over my shoulder and were impressed by the dab of white that so clearly defines a highlight! Thanks!
Fun to watch! Great music! You have such a gift for limiting your brushstrokes to only what is necessary!
Great video, so dinamic and great music, thanks.
Great use of technology to boost your painting image! Like the new format on your email updates, too.
carol, you did it again,
well, a little help from your husband!
during the video, i kept trying to figure out how
to slow it down.
please do more, more.
I did learn a lot,
thank you,
David here - Carol's husband. Thank you for all the kind words about the video. It was a blast to make.
If you are international and cannot view the video on Youtube (due to copyright issues with the music), please go here to view it on Vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/15454601
(copy and past link into your browser)
Carol, you and your video are inspiring! What a great demo and reminder of all that you try to teach in your workshops. Beautifully done. Thank you and David for your offering.
Thanks so much for the video - awesome job David and Carol. Loved seeing the palette and color choices. Is there a way to slow it down a little?
I'm exhausted just watching. I love it that you included your palette in the video. I was wondering if you have changed your palette but the video answers my question. Thank you.
David most excellent job making the video and of course, Carol's work rocks... thanks so much!
fabulous! your husband is a genius living with a genius
great! smart choice to include the palette - it tells so much more about your working process. Thanks to you and your husband for putting it together!
WOW! That was great!
WOW! This video is just fantastic! I'm going to attend your workshop in a couple of weeks in JAX and soooo excited! You and husband are both so talented!!
What fun! I laughed from sheer pleasure through the video because the music was so well matched to the sped up painting - a great pairing. Then my son came over to see what I was chuckling about, and he got into it too.
Very interesting and helpful to see your process in this demo (and the previous one) - and the palette is helpful to show. Impressive - thanks.
OK, David gets a brownie button! It's a good thing he picked an uptempo song or else you could never have painted that so darned fast. What just annoys the heck outta me is how organized and clean you can keep your palette. Wonderful video and painting!
Thank you Carol, enjoyed it so much.
Thank you for the great video. I just love seeing how you put each composition together. Hope there will be more, and thanks to your husband, a very talented man.
You have no idea what a wonderful gift this video is. Thank you thank you.
It helps to see it right after the workshop when I'm muddling through trying to remember the lessons. The one that sticks with me from this class is the 'vulnerables'.
I always start with the darks and you go the opposite way. Makes total sense.
Ummmmm....I did have to mute the music the second time through, though. I felt like grabbing some castanets and getting out my old tap shoes :D
Tooo bad,,,,due to Sony music rights....can´t watch it in Germany....will try the vimeo link.
Whoa-ho...it was like being in a workshop with you again but on 10 espressos. I had to push my chair aside and dance. It really did refresh my memory on all those great lessons you gave -but listen folks, if you want to see Carol in slow motion...take a workshop. You'll never regret it.
Side by side palette and painting, very, very helpful to watch it this way - thanks for such a thoughtful video!
I loved the music as well as the video. Is that Ottmar Liebart? I'm off to dig in my box of CD's. Good job on the whole thing of the painting and the video - what a great team you are!!
Jeepers! I don't check on your blog for 2 days and what happens?!
You post a couple great paintings AND a video. I could watch you paint all day! Could I please be you in my next life? You make it look so easy and fun. David....great great job on the video production Good music selection. Paint on!
Rodrigo Y Gabriela were on David Letterman several years ago. The clip is on YouTube. They are in Des Moines tonight. What a great choice of music for the video. Can't paint, too busy dancing! Do love the video, too!
Carol & David,
I've been waiting for another video. Well done. Your demo with the split images was so useful. Quite the team, you both are! Love It.
just super in every detail, and the music made me smile all the way thru!I signed up for your ADV and now mad/sad that I'm unable to make it!! have a great time
Bravo! Carol, you and David make a great team. Your art is stunning. Can't thank you enough for doing this....very entertaining.
Loved the video, great work, the painting and the inspired split screen! Wonderful music too
thanks, this was awesome
I have been admiring your work on ebay for awhile.
I love your paintings, I am an artist too and your work is very inspiring.
Thanyou so much, Carol for this demo! I use it in my painting today! Thank you, thank you!
I love your paintings!
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