Monday, November 30, 2009

Dr Phil Tomorrow!

Just a reminder - we'll be on the Dr Phil show tomorrow, on CBS (times differ based on location). Above is the photo they took of us after the show. Ack - so much makeup!!


Dani Brandimarte said...

I have my DVR set!

Diane said...

Look forward to watching it....

Leslie L Marine said...

Actually, I think it is ABC, since it is usually on before Oprah and produced by Harpo. What a very handsome young man in a very nice suit, too:)

Anne Marie Propst said...

As a fellow artist and stepmother, I can say that you are a role model on both counts. Looking forward to Dr. Phil! Congrats on both your books. How about a "how to" book next on your techniques for those of us who cannot attend your classes?

Diane Hoeptner said...

You look gorgeous, Carol! Will tune it 5pm, Cleveland time!!

Aaron Caycedo-Kimura said...

Wonderful spot on Dr. Phil! The painting you did of your step daughter really touched me. I just love your work, Carol.

Anonymous said...

I just watched THE show, and thought it was terrific. And what a wonderful thing you and Jennifer have done for all those first and second wives and their children. After getting your emails each day, I have developed great respect for you as an artist - and what's so funny, after reading your comments about painting, is that I feel that I KNOW you. Everything I thought - all positive of course- has been confimed!
This next dimension of your character as a writer is a wonderful revelation . Kudos to you! I sure hope I have a chance to meet you someday - maybe workshop!
Best to you -
Mary Rountree Moore
(Corse Gallery, too!
ps - and you are beautiful!)

anne Marie Propst said...

Carol, just did great! Enjoyed the message and seeing your artwork on tv!

Carol Esch said...

Interesting show! You all came off as caring people.....and loved the shot of your studio!!!!! I'm going back to look at that again......good for you!

Lisa Daria said...

Carol - your positive energy comes through even on television! - you did a great job on the show -

Barbara Pask said...

Just watched you on Dr. Phil, it was great. I saw your art everywhere. You did good. :)

Anonymous said...

Though you said at one point prior to the airing that you were very nervous, you looked very poised and gracious throughout the interview. And I loved the shots of your paintings. You and Jennifer are obviously blessed by each other.

Leslie L Marine said...

Loved the show guys! the pics they showed of the girls were great! They of course are so beautiful, so no surprise there:) You guys looked great, although I think there was some heavy editing that took place......? All in all, I thought it was very nice. Love you both tons! Talk to you later, L.

Elenka said...

I'm 15 minutes into watching's a commercial now.... (5:15 pm EST). It's so great because my husband and I feel like we 'know' you!!'s back on....later.....

Anonymous said...

Show was wonderful, Carol. You and Jennifer are an inspiration for so many. Was heart warming. Getting a book completed and printed is no small feat. Congrats to you both on that and on the difference you are making in the world. Hope lots of good things come out of this for you personally and professionally.

Kay Christopher

Lee Ekland said...

Hi Carol,
It was a joy to hear your story on Dr Phil, thanks for sharing.

Were you happy with how they edited everything that was said? If you could add anything what would it be?

You've inspired thousands of people into wondering if their relationship with an in-law could be more positive. Congratulations!!

Constance McLennan said...

Been following your blog for a couple of years. That was fun to see; wish he had spent the whole show on you and your family! Congratulations on your appearance, the book, and all your success. Hoping you might do another workshop in Sacramento sometime.

kim Blair said...

Hi Carol:
Just watched you on Dr. Phil... very inspirational for everyone to hear how you and Jennifer changed your relationship in order to create peace in your families. I think we can all utilize this information...
Thank you.
(love the painting of your step-daughter)

Terry DeFrates said...

Just watched the show. The relationship between you and the ex is to the be congratulated. When the show was over I felt that all of your story was not told. I wanted to here more.

The painting of the sun flowers was well chosen and placed. As always your painting is top shelf.

Piper1026 said...

Congratulations Carol! I hope that someone I know taped the show because I was at work when the show aired.

And I just ordered your book on the 100 small paintings (a Christmas present to myself).

All the best from cold, snowy Albert.

Pat Sunstrum (Benalto class, July 2009)

Unknown said...

Missed the show! It was not on as listed in my guide. I hope that someone will post it on YouTube...

Leslie Saeta said...

Just watched the show (this was the first time I have seen Dr. Phil!). You looked great and I was glad to see the quick studio shot. It was a great segment and I only wish that more people could be like you and Jennifer (I think that is her name ...). And ... your husband is very charming.
I hope you sell tons of books and paintings due to the show today!

Elenka said...

Thoroughly enjoyed the show. You looked great and the story you all talked about was awe inspiring. A celebrity amongst us!

Ann Rogers said...

What a great positive message for the Dr. Phil show. I thought you all did a superb job with your interviews at home as well as on the air. Also thought the makeup looked fantastic..beautiful blue eyes. How about posting that special picture of your stepdaughter that was featured in the show. You took that first step and look how many people it has touched. Bravo!

Laurie G. Miller said...

Hey Carol,

Since I was tied up this afternoon, I had my bud Sue tape the show and we watched it together this evening...nice job! You looked great and David is quite the hunk! I hope the book is flying off the shelves now.

BTW, I bought your painting book from it! You'll have to autograph it in September to increase the value of my copy!

xxxooo Laurie

PS - I'm wondering if you had a one-on-one with Dr Phil about your phone issues :)

Anonymous said...


Was fun watching you and your family on Dr. Phil. I wish we could have seen a little more of you in the studio. I was glad the camera person caught a quick shot of your studio box which you use for lighting setups. I would love to see a photo of how you set it up to light your "models". I'm sure others would enjoy that as well. When you have time, that is. I know you're the last person I'd expect to have moss growing on her soles!

Congrats on your tv debut!


myra anderson said...

When they make the movie I think that Natalie Portman should play you - how about Hugh Jackman for your husband and oh I don't know - I think maybe Julia Roberts could play her. . . let it be said - I called it here - there should be a movie!!!!!!! I wish it could be about your art - your paintings looked so beautiful! They really communicated in such a positive way!!

Kim Rempel said...

Hi Carol,
I only got to see the clips they showed on the Dr. Phil website. I had recorded it and when I got home a couple of hours later... my young son HAD DELETED IT!!! He thought it *wasn't important*!! Argh! After spending an hour surfing to try and find it somewhere online, I gave up and will see if someone more in the know can find out how to watch it. Anyway, everything I saw sounded great and your painting of your stepdaughter is absolutely beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

turcios curriculum said...

you art is fantastic!

Diane Hoeptner said...

Love that your paintings were in SO MANY shots! Especially touching, the large portrait of your stepdaughter and the story of that being the catalyst for your releationship with the ex. Don't know you personally Carol, but proud of and HAPPY for you anyway!!

Jeff Mahorney said...

Doh! I missed it. :(
Anyone got a link to where I can see it online?

s.lange said...

Paul and I watched it and thought you haven't aged a bit - your work is great and it is so nice to be able to view your work! We taped the show and hope Teri and Lissa can watch next time they visit...sending lots of good thoughts to you and your family,
s and p

ps - we loved the gallery show on 6th...

rischa said...

Hi Carol!
I felt a small shift in the fabric of the universe after watching that show - the story of the evil stepmother is a myth! Hurrah! its about time. And what a wonderful extended family you have (and I am so lucky to be a part of!) on skype we were claiming bragging rights about who gets credit for you being the wonderful person you are... :)

Sandra Galda said...

super show! what a positive approach! you are a gem!!!!