Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Among the Folds 2" - SOLD

I've heard from a lot of you that 6x6 frames are hard to find, so I've teamed up with a framing supplier, King of Frame, to offer some really nice frames with my paintings. They will be optional - no obligation. I've got 9 styles on hand at the moment, will try out more later, and as soon as I find out what the most popular ones are, I'll have a stock of them. They'll each be $35, including any extra shipping, and will be shipped directly with the painting.


Leora Platte said...

Wow! I've been following you long enough to be on the same wave length...well, slightly. I just finished a painting with one pear in it. I made it up instead of looking at a pear; and while I was working on it I realized that by not looking at the pear it was more original than if I was trying to copy a pear. What you've just painted here seems more like that, true art if you will, than some previous paintings that are awesomely well done and clearly the reflection of the mind's eye, but a bit ho-hum, if that's even possible to say about any of your work.

Cynthia said...

Love the pears and the apples from the last post too. I really like your folds.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Love the pears, Carol! And you are a GENIUS doing this about the frames! Mary & I have discoverd KOF, too, and little paintings look fabulous in them. And what a deal - $35! Anybody know you can't get anything framed for NEAR that price! Good for you!

Steve PP said...

Love the frames Carol!

Jen said...

Nice pears, really nice lighting. I love the folds on this one, they're a little softer than the previous.

Such yummy work. Thanks for my daily dose of happiness.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea and great bargain for the frames! I'd sure like to find some floater frames, too. Any idea about finding reasonable small ones of those?

DSM said...

Yes, thanks for the frame contact.
Filbert, I'm noticing a real lack of carbs in your still life work. You COULD do a pork-chop on fabric and call it 'BACK TO THE FOLD.'

Amy Stewart said...

Great idea on the frames, Carol! I love it.