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Another great day in Canada, and another promising class! We visited a farm during lunch and picked some very colorful beets and onions and sunflowers. The farm was beautiful so we decided to go back one day and paint some landscapes. I'll post photos later!
Canada is a big place... where are you at?
I am currently in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, but the workshop is about 10 minutes away in the VERY small town of Benalto. This is all close to Red Deer, which is about a 2 hour drive north of Calgary. : ) The scenery is beautiful, and the weather is perfect! Like spring or fall in Texas. I'm in heaven. Everyone here is complaining of the heat. ha ha : )
We used to go to Canada every summer. We would get those remarks, too. It would be 80 degrees and they were sweltering. Ha. Love the reds in this piece as always. The green complements sing!
That Canadian air must suit you, Carol! This piece just jumps off the computer screen! The composition and colors are just riveting! Soak it up... but I'm sure they'll have you back!
Wow, what a beautiful color set. I won't rave about the usual awesome brushwork and color notes. :)
Wow - this one is stunning. The glare on the side of the bowl just grabs you and the color of the bowl is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Love the light in this one Carol, will you be able to do some plein air studies or paintings while you are there? Lucky you in the cool Canadian air!
Beautiful rich color on this one...
I just returned from Canada and loved the weather there as well. Gorgeous country (mountains and glacial lakes, rivers) with very hospitable folks. Hope you do some plein air.
Beautiful and Luminescent! Nice work. Was this a demonstration piece?
I love all your paintings but this one has a WOW factor!!!
Beautiful color and composition.
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