Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Takeout Box" --- SOLD

I love these cute little take-out boxes. You can buy them now to hold gifts. I painted this one last night. I think it might be leaning a bit too far to the left, but oh well. I was entranced by the white inside, and the bit on the right that's light because the cardboard is thin.

This next one is a larger commission. 9"x12". This is actually my second attempt. The first one was much busier and the lemons choppy. I started over completely, smoothing it out a bit. I'm much happier with it.


Michael King said...

This one has a very nice flow to it!

Dani Brandimarte said...

These are both great, as usual. I particularly like the perspective in the take out box.

Michael Naples said...

Carol, I'm really impressed with these two Not that I'm not always impressed because I am, but these two are really great.

Mike said...

Carol, you might be a little bit hard on yourself. From what I see, you are a painting machine . . . . .and a darned good one, at that!

If you struggle once in a while (and we all should be) that just means you are stepping up another level in skill . . or trying to. And that is an honorable thing . . . . . .tho painful at times.

I love your work!

PS . .Have a GREAT workshop!

Carol Nelson said...

Hi Carol,
I've done 2 paintings of those take out boxes. They are really fun to do and in a group, make a great abstract design.
Scroll down in my blog to see the red and blue ones,

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Love the shapes.