Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"One Across" --- SOLD

Ever have one of those days where absolutely nothing goes right and you just want to shoot yourself? Ok, maybe that's a little extreme with the shooting and all, but really ... some days just go all wrong. I suppose everyone has those days. Right? Please say you do!!! Today I started and wiped 3, count 'em, 3 paintings. I felt like I had forgotten everything I ever knew about painting. I was afraid I would have nothing for today, but then I remembered this old painting from a few months ago that I never got around to posting.

This evening I tried again and managed to regain my composure and remember how to paint. Ahhhh. Sometimes I find I need to speed up to get a flow going, but today I needed to slow down and really think about what I was doing. I'll post tonight's tomorrow.


Heidi Malott said...

Oh, yes! I definately have these moments. It is very hard to not be grouchy when this happens-my poor family:) When it happens, I look through my favorite artists work for inspiration or walk away if I am overwhelmed. Thankfully it passes.

Kathleen Cavender and Mark Ritter said...

You are preaching to the choir, sista. I have felt totally inspired only to wipe off ten hours of work at the end of the day. And on the contrary, I've felt totally un-inspired and painted a prize winner in 20 min. Feelings...

Mary J DuVal said...

I'm going through this right now and I keep "kicking myself" because my automatic response is self-doubt about my abilities instead of "this is me growing and learning" and embracing it. Do you ever think about the way we talk to ourselves and that we would never talk to others that way?!

EFT Studios said...

Shooting yourself???? You betcha!!!
Shooting the painting and anything near it? Even more so!!!
Can't wait to see your eventual success (I'm sure of it)
Even so...these peppers are a treat!!! Keep 'em coming!

Helen Read said...

Yep... looks like we've all had those moments. I'll look forward to tomorrow's post - and todays is beautiful!

Chris said...

One of my favorite stories about Cezanne is that he would impale canvases he wasn't happy with on the branches of a big tree outside his studio. He must have been unhappy with a lot of his paintings because guests frequently commented on the "painting tree" in his garden.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I agree with all of the above commentary.
I start every painting with some self doubt and then work through the part where I think I should wipe it off, then press on and watch it turn out to be a really good painting.
I love the ones that paint themselves.