Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Looking for Complements


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I found this background fabric recently in my stash. I actually painted the dots on, years and years ago, when I couldn't find what I wanted at the store.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Looking for the Best Cup


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Hey all, sorry for the total radio silence! I've been sewing again. Apparently it's an addiction. I'm addicted. I'll try to paint again someday.

Meanwhile here's one from a few months ago. I tried several times to paint this striped cup, and this was the only one that worked out. I didn't realize it would be so hard! Also got this cute little square cup.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Fruit Aplenty


Click Here to Purchase - $500 - 12x12in. - oil on panel

If you're new to my work, I have a series of online tutorials available. I call them ArtBytes because they are bite-size tutorials, at reasonable prices. A few are free, so you can get a taste of what they're like. And if you pay for one and are disappointed, we have a money-back guarantee. Thanks for checking them out. : )

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Converging on Red


Click Here to Purchase - $400 - 10x10in. - oil on panel

A while ago I saw an add for some cadmium-free paints (red & yellow) from Utrecht. I figured there would be compromises, but I finally bought some small tubes to try out. And after using them a few months, I am genuinely impressed! They are just as saturated as my cadmiums, and I can't see any chalkiness or other problems in any of my mixes. And if I can be just a little safer with my paint, I'm all for it.

Have any of you tried them? I'd love to hear what you think. (btw, I am not sponsored by Utrecht)

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Join the Circus


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I bought the little stripey cup on Temu. It's my only purchase using the site, and I wasn't crazy about it. But the cup is fine. It comes with a matching saucer, and I've tried painting them together several times, but it never works out. I'll get it eventually.

Speaking of bad purchasing experiences, if you enjoy sewing and are considering purchasing patterns on Etsy, beware! Apparently there are a bunch of pattern scams, and I fell for one with my first purchase. After many frustrating hours, I realized the pattern was physically impossible to complete. Here's a video I found about how to avoid these scams. Us makers have to stick together!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Supporting Cast


Click Here to Purchase - $300 - 6x12in. - oil on panel

My husband built me a set of amazing shelves to hold all my still life "stuff". They take up an entire wall of my studio, and are shallow so that I can see everything at once (nothing is buried). They vary in height, but the ones for cups are short enough that the one above sometimes casts a shadow on the ones below. I have wanted to paint something like it for years.

My easel is in a pretty fixed location (because of the light), so I recreated the scene in my shadow box, using my new stripey cup as part of the supporting cast. The bounced light was quite a challenge.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Citrus in Sun


Click Here to Purchase - $500 - 12x12in. - oil on panel

I got completely obsessed with sewing the last few weeks and neglected painting entirely. Oopsie.

Here's an oldie that I held onto because I really love it. Now it's prepared to find its forever home. Plus I'm home from visiting family for Christmas and ready to paint again. I hope you're all finding new inspiration too in the almost new year!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

How Do I Stack Up?


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Recently I hosted a book group dinner at my house, and one of my friends brought me a bouquet of white mums. I decided I had to paint a few. Here's the first. Thank you, Colleen!

Monday, December 09, 2024

Pick Your Spot Again


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in. - oil on panel

For this larger painting I used a 6x6 I loved as inspiration. I set up the composition again, but ended up changing it a bit in several ways: I added the spoon and an extra cup, and altered the colors of the paper. I'm learning so much from each one of these.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Glass Gathering


Click Here to Purchase - $700 - 16x16in. - oil on panel

Here's another large painting that was quite challenging. Trying to get all the shapes right and everything leaning in the right directions (perspective) AND the value and color relationships ... but I like how it turned out in the end.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Pondering the Deep Down


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

You might not know it, but when pears spend any amount of time in an art studio, they start asking all sorts of questions. Like, "What's at the bottom of that bowl?," and "What does it all mean?" It can be very distracting.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Existing Separately


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Seeing as it's cyber Monday and all, I put a few of my paintings on sale. You can see everything of mine that's currently available here. : )

As for this painting, in case you are confused, I put down the maroon-y paper first, then a big piece of glass, then the light pink paper, then everything else. I thought the reflection-y bits were really cool, but in hindsight I wonder if it might be confusing...

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Shine on, Rosie


Click Here to Purchase - $400 - 9x12in. - oil on panel

Something funny is that 9x12 is a super standard size, but I've only done it ONE other time in my life! Haha.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Finding Common Ground


Click Here to Purchase - $300 - 6x12in. - oil on panel

I now have a whole slew of these little paper bits - different sizes and colors - so many that I had to start organizing them into categories so I could find what I was looking for! Ah the things we do for art.

Click image to see larger.

Holiday Pears


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, ate too much, drank too much, had several awkward conversations with family and/or friends, and then slept really well. If not then you didn't do it right. ; )

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Pears and Paper

Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Here's a little one with some little pears I found at the grocery store. Small things on a small panel. How cute. ; )

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Coveting Red


Click Here to Purchase - $350 - 7x13in - oil on panel

I sometimes cut my big panels into custom sizes, and have unusual sizes left over. This time one worked out perfectly for this little composition.

I can recommend a few fabulous online frame shops that do custom sizes easily and that are no more expensive than standard sizes. There's a list on my FAQ page, just 6 questions down from the top.

Make sure you click on the image to view it larger!

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Reflecting on Things


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in - oil on panel

Sometimes a composition asks for a large panel, and sometimes it wants to be born small. They tell me what they want after I'm done putting them together. As long as they ask nicely then I'm fine with it.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Importance of Variety in Dishes


Click Here to Purchase - $750 - 12x24in - oil on panel

This wide format never looks great here, so please click on the image to see larger. I'm quite happy with this one.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Enough Grapes


Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x8in - oil on panel

I found this one last small painting from back when I was doing grapes. Anything inside glass is tough, but a bunch of grapes? Quite a challenge. I realize I say a lot that something was a challenge, and so I guess what I should tell you instead is when something is EASY to paint, haha!