Thursday, September 15, 2016

Nectarines By Moonlight

sold. (6x6in.)

In my shadow box have a lamp with a very long, bendy neck so I can point it in any direction. As I'm composing I play around with this a lot to find a situation I really like. For this one I pointed the light towards the very back of the bowl so that just a little bit of the nectarines glow with color. I think it's important to try all sorts of things. Eventually, after playing with all my props, backgrounds, angles, and the light, (this takes anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, or more) I land on something and I think, "Oh, that's cool! I want to paint that." So I do.


Mona Pendleton said...

So very pretty! I recently discovered your work and love it! Your book and video tutorials are extremely helpful! Thank you for sharing your talents and creativity with all of us!

Anonymous said...

I love the result, but I really want to know about the lamp with the very long bendy neck. I've never seen one that could go with a shadow box. Can you post any info on it.



The backlit lighting on the gold and russet nectarines totally makes this piece; it's the perfect bright accent to all the beautiful muted neutral colors.