Monday, July 16, 2012


Click Here to Bid

We are at the public library in the closest town to our campsite, posting and checking in on the wider world. This is a painting I did before I left, of flowers I found on a walk not far from our house, growing wild in a field. I haven't done any painting here yet, and may not. It is far too enjoyable just hanging with my boys. We'll see.


Jan said...

Hi Carol, I'm so glad you're having such a great time camping, and in some of the greatest scenery there is. Remember you're learning to take it a little easier, so unless painting just absolutely tugs at you, spend and enjoy your free time with your boys. They will love you for it too. I can order you around like this because I'm old enough to be your mother (maybe even your grandmother). Haha.

martinealison said...

Un petit bouquet qui témoigne déjà avant votre départ l'envie d'une grande liberté...
Belle nuance de bleu. Un très joli travail dans le vase...
Profitez bien de vos vacances et du bonheur d'être avec vos enfants...

Gros bisous.

Dan Kent said...

Very beautiful.