Another thing I've been dying to paint again are people! For a while, years ago, I thought I would be a portrait painter. But life had different plans, and thank goodness - since then I've spoken with several portrait painters who hate painting for other people and dealing with fussy parents. So I figure I'll do this for fun. Below is a kid I know very well. I want to see if his mom recognizes him, so ... if you do, please leave a comment on my blog saying so.
you ARE a portrait painter as it turns out. Fabulous, Carol!!
OH Carol!! I (BOLD) want to paint people JUST FOR FUN!!! Look at that - the looseness, the bold color, the blue shadows... I never have the nerve for that when it's a commission!
This is gorgeous!!
Good looking kid, but not one I know. Always enjoy seeing what you are painting. Del
hey Carol, LOVE the portrait...isn't that YOUR son..??!!
Go girl
Two more great paintings. The portrait is amazing. I especially love the way it goes off the board at the top and right side.
Im sure you have heard of Rose Frantzen but if you haven't
I think your portrait is beautiful, but he is not my son!
I love this. You are amazing and all of us want to enjoy all of what you can do.
Thanks for trying new things, and at the same time not forgetting 'the apple'.
Personally I love painted people ( this one is sooo wonderful) and I love everything else too.
Carol, while I love your daily paintings and can't wait to take your class next month in Sedona, I want to shake you for even questioning this painting of the young boy! It's amazing! You need to do more, especially if you enjoyed painting him!! You already have an amazing product, but if you could capture more subtle expressions of people, there's no telling how much further it will take you. This painting is begging you to paint more like it!
Life is short Carol so I'm happy to hear that you're heading in whatever direction that gets you to 'that happy painting place'. All of your work reflects the love, no matter the subject as far as I'm concerned.
Carol I LOVE this! Both of them really, but you truly captured life with your portrait. Bravo! Well done! Huzzah!!
And I concur with the other portrait painters. I do not like that part at all. I paint portraits of my boys just for fun, sometimes I sell one but every time I do I feel so sad. I almost wish I hadn't sold it. Until I paint the next one that is. ;)
Thanks for having such a great blog, I look forward to seeing what you've been up to every day. :)
I Love black eyes!! This is amazing! Is he yours? If so, are you the fussy parent?! Ha!
Beautiful child.
What stunning subject matter if I do say so myself! Carol, not only are you an amazing friend but a brilliant portrait painter as well!!! Thank you for choosing my sweet son to highlight both on your blog and on your canvas. It is an amazing rendition of him that completely takes my breath away! The colors and the composition are perfect. You captured a side of him that I can now hold onto forever. And now others can get lost in those dark, thoughtful eyes just as I do. You are the BEST! And I mean that in every way possible.
Hi Carol,
I saw this early this morning and have thought about it a lot today...I think his Mom does recognize him and actually painted this beautiful painting of her son. Those eyes reflect back a world full of love and trust and affection...even tolerance at being photographed/painted. Gorgeous features, wonderful skin tones but the best= the eyes:) Great job=MOM:)
Very few painters can see past the sentimental view and paint what's really in front of their noses..
I would recognize that handsome boy anywhere. I have really enjoyed being a part of your daily email list Carol. - Isaac's Uncle Ken
Beautiful expression on this beautiful face. Well done!
I know who this is and you did an amazing job!!!! And I'm tickled for Karen, who now gets to see her son forever immortalized. You really captured the sweetness I always see in his face.... Great job! :-)
I want to thank everyone for saying such sweet and flattering things about my adorable son Isaac. Much love to you too Carol!!
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