I hope everyone had a fantabulous Thanksgiving! In honor of Black Friday I am listing several landscapes I've done - 3 from Lost Maples & 3 from Florida - as make me an offer listings. The top left is from Lost Maples and we got up REALLY early to catch the light AND just about froze our tuckuses off. I was so cold I didn't notice that I had divided the canvas in half with the tree line, but I still like it. There is one other painting in my store from Germany but it was 6x8 so it didn't fit nicely into the image above. : ) Check out my ebay store to see it. Cheers!
Loving the feeling of light in the two studies with cars in Carol. Very strong!
I especially like the one on bottom left with cars and street scene. Nice work! I've noticed you paint a lot of your landscapes on gesso board. How do you like it? Do you have a surface you prefer over the other? Gesso board or canvas?i
Beautiful works!!!
I like the well controlled palette and bold brush strokes with some abstract quality.
Thanks you guys!
wilsmith- I am coming to really really like the gessoboard. At this point I use both still.
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