This old beauty is also from Silverton. Along with yesterday's trucks, it was right near our campground and begging to be painted. In fact I think all 3 of us painted it at one time or another. The problem with all this is - I've become obsessed with old vehicles. They're all I see when I drive around. Ok, this isn't a problem. I think they're super cool!
On a completely different topic, if you're looking for cool hats, for you or your dog, my aunt is making some super awesome ones! Her company is called Bad Dog Hats. Check it out!
Hi Carol! This one is amazing! I love the spots of saturated orange and blue paint that survive on the greyed out truck!
I love old vehicles too, and think they are such a thrill to paint.
Your paintings are so beautiful to me, so I love these paintings of old trucks even more.
Gorgeous work!
Hi Carol: I just LOVE your old trucks and cars! Keep up the excellent work.
Great painting Carol!
Looks like an old fella with a moustache, that's sipped a few too many ports in his time.
This one is a winner. You nailed that rust color perfectly!
How can I be so captivated by an old truck?? What a wonderful painting - old truck into art - genius!
I love your still life art but am really finding these truck paintings a very nice twist.
This group of paintings really appeals to me--you've given new life to these old cars and trucks, and found ways to make them all different. Loving them.
Angular impressionism slashing such splendid shapes of color and value that I almost forget it's a truck I’m looking at. Beautiful, gorgeous painting.
I love this painting! You gave a rusty hunk of metal character, freshness and LIFE!
You're not alone with the love of old trucks. All the way home from Nova Scotia I kept asking Don to stop so I could take YET ANOTHER photo of an old vehicle parked in a field.
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