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I did this a couple of days ago when the weather was just getting cloudy. I set up in the late afternoon when I saw this beautiful light. Unfortunately, I had just started when the sun went behind a cloud - for 30 freakin' minutes!!! When it came back out again everything was different, so I had to fudge a bit. I've been trying to get back at the same time of day to do another but the weather hasn't cooperated.
I love it. When I squint my eyes while viewing it, it really translates into reality. I just love your broken brushstrokes and they way your grayed distance achieves the depth :)
these have been really fun to see - i love the way you're using your brushwork on the new subject!
Carol...now you're cookin'. Great greens. Welcome to the plein air world of chasing the light. I love the brush work. Edgar Payne discusses the 4 value rules in landscapes. Let me know if you don't know them and I will send to your email. Keep up the good work. My daughter and family live in Waging probably not too far from where you are. Bavaria is a wonderful site for painting. My wife and I will be there for 2 weeks in late October.
ah the vagaries of plein air painting..one of the things that makes for big frustration -you keep chasing the sun - i love it anyway though..the plein air painting and YOUR plein air painting!!
I just love you lady! LOL... a whole freakin' 30 minutes - I hate when that happens. I have a couple of paintings with nats imbeded, they love the stuff, ha. ps - good fudging.
love it, love it, love it..
just wondered ... i know you are attempting to paint in the "plein air" style/method ... BUT ... have you tried taking a photograph to "document" the scene at the moment you are trying to catch ? would that be "cheating" ? or does the camera see the "light" so differently than the artist that it would be useless ?
It's sooooo great to see so many of your landscapes, love it, love it, love it!
Your landscapes are coming on strong the longer you are in Germany! Just beautiful ! Mary Rountree Moore
Thank you all so much for the kind comments! I feel I am really getting the hang of plein air - and now it's raining all the time! Ugh.
In answer to your question, anonymous, I don't think it's cheating at all to take pictures and revisit later. To be honest, I always forget!! And when I occasionally remember, I find looking at the photo SO different from looking at the real thing, and I am never as inspired as I was outside. Doing plein air, because the light changes so quickly, is a rush! I enjoy the excitement, even if not all of the paintings turn out because of it. While here, I've probably had as many wipers as keepers. What happens with a photo is that you lose a lot of info - all the darks go darker, and all the lights go lighter. The eye is just so much more sensitive. I hope that answers your question. : )
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