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I find it very difficult to paint "through the trees" views like this. This was my third attempt. This is a scene I saw walking back from painting "Im Schwarzwald." There is a clearing just up the hill that is being lit up brightly by the sun, and the row of trees behind it is turning blueish/purple from atmospheric perspective. I'm really happy with it. Tomorrow we are going to Freiburg for a couple of days. I will post again on Tuesday.
I really like this one!
Wonderful landscapes Carol, I just LOVE how straight forward you are in your writing and your painting... I hadn't visited for a few days and wow, what a treat.
I find that particularly challenging too - but I'm so drawn to it I keep trying! I think you captured the feel of the light coming through so well! Have a great time painting in Freiburg:)
Striking, I love your work. I will follow your blog
You nailed this one sister.
Nice painting.
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