A big thank you to all who wrote with kind words about my husband's job loss! We are trying to see it as part of the grand adventure. One upside is that we can travel (cheaply) without worrying about using time off, and wherever we go, I can paint! We are considering a trip to Big Bend National Park in the next month or so.
A while back I posted about my husband inventing a panel holder for me to use when I paint. It's a simple thing that uses friction to hold the painting, and 1. keeps small panels in place, and 2. allows one to paint off all four sides without anything getting in the way. It is a GREAT tool - one I use every single day. A former student's husband has offered to make these and sell them for me here. Here is a photo of my very used one (left) and a new one (right). The top and bottom smaller peices are glued in place. The middle peice and the painting (duh) are moveable.

They are $18 + shipping. BUY THEM HERE
Love the vibration in the flower - nd the glass is so simple and effective. Thanks for the link to the panel holders, yours worked beautifully at the class.
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful information! I purchased this holder immediately, and sent out three emails to all my painting buddies to let them know -- we have been trying to find such a system to hold small pastel board for almost forever...
I am so sorry for the loss of job of your husband... I have a friend who was laid off from a small oil processing company early this year as well, and my own company started a 20% paycut for everyone so that we do not need to fire anybody (yet). It is pain shared by the whole country due to economic down turn. But your husband is such a smart and hands-on person (I saw the still-life stand he made you in your FAQ session), I think maybe he could start his own art-craft tool company! His inventions just seem so wonderful and economic... Anyway, I hope you guys would have fun for the trip you are planning. Looking forward to see more wonderful paintings from the trip...
My husband, the economist, would say to remember that the current recession will correct itself. And, having lived in Texas, we remember all those oil booms and busts. So, yes, take advantage of the time to travel. We used to drive the 10 hours (I think) there and loved the place. There is something sacred there. From south of Midland-O the ghostly mountains begin to appear and it is another three hours before you are there. Once we went in January and encountered an ice storm that had glazed all the cacti along the Window trail and when we got to the top of the trail/mountain through a cloud the sky was clear and blue and the birds were singing. I will never forget it.
Sumptuous painting, as usual.
Love the nifty invention too!
Hope you have an adventurous and memorable visit at Big Bend National Park!
Love those panel holders! And this painting!
gotta say that panel holder is great. I made one after your initial post and have used it since on my small pieces....highly recommended...go buy one now!
Hello...I found you through "Downeast Doing Stuff" and have added you to my favorites. you are a superb artist, as is she! So many talented people out there in the world...I am amazed. I will stop by often and please come on over to Blueberryplains too!
I missed your previous post, now I'm catching up... I'm sorry for this, I hope (I'm sure!) everything will be just fine for you and your family.
Sorry about the job loss but what an amazing opportunity! If these latest two paintings are anything to go by, I can't wait to see the forthcoming ones.
You created a very luminous flower. I like the feel of this piece and appreciate the great skill that went into painting it!
- Kathy
I too have been laid off from various jobs in the past and it's very hard for a man in this country to not be the bread winner. Try to remind him that his value to your family and the community he lives in goes far beyond an income.
By the way your stuff is awesome!
Neat invention, Carol!
Your husband is quite the inventor!
Once again, I commend you for your optimistic attitude. You are an inspiration!
"Yellow Shot" looks great.
The highlights and darks of the glass are spot on.
Nice job!
I have three of these panel holders...if you paint on small panels you really need to try out these nifty little holders. They are great!
Can you tell me what holds the movable piece in place??
Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for all your kind comments!!!
Elenka, the middle peice is held in with friction. It basically acts as a wedge and you slide it in between the painting and the bottom (fixed) peice. Hope that helps!
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