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I've got good news and bad news. The good news is, starting today, I get to paint a lot more often! The bad news is, my husband was laid off yesterday after 10 years, due to a loss of funding at his company. He was the only one on his team not willing to spend months out on the oil rigs. I'll paint more because he'll be able to stay home with Jacob (our son - 4). For those of you who know me/us, we were planning for his early retirement anyway, just not this early. This'll make it tight for a little while, but nothing we can't handle. As of now, I am the bread-winner, and my husband is full-time dad/househusband/inventor/studio builder/handyman. You can expect more regular posts from me going forward.
Love your Lemonade! That attitude gets (and has gotten) me through a ton of lemons.
Hi Carol--I will be praying that your family rides this unexpected wave with grace--your own and God's. : ) I have just come through a situation where my husband got laid off, and we both began searching for work, but he won the contest...so I am still trying to find time to paint while caring for my 4-year-old son! Of course, you are a painter on a whole different level than I, and you folks will be just fine, I'm betting. There will be some adjustment required, and it might not feel comfortable right away (esp. for him), but it is done successfully by many, as you know. Best wishes!
Best wishes to you both in this new adventure - not chosen, but one I am sure you will master.
I was thinking of you earlier today and how much I gained by taking your workshop - I'm grateful that I had that opportunity. You have a huge network of friends out here - if there is anything you need, just say so!
Sorry to hear about your husbands job. I was laid off also after 10yrs. Your umbrella drink is fantastic. I'll smile for you, if you have a frown.
Sorry to hear about the sudden change, but I do believe that "everything happens for a reason". You have such a gift, so the fact that you can paint more is wonderful. I think in the long run this is really great news! Good for you!
So sorry to hear that your plans got accelerated, but the up side is that you HAD a plan. From what little I know of you and yours (from my all-to-brief contact with you in the Sedona workshop) if anyone can emerge victorious it's the three of you. We're pulling for you!
I love the painting Carol, something very touching about it and different. I am sorry to hear your news but love the spirit in which you respond to it: I guess when we have our priorities sorted we can ride out anything. Best wishes r.
God blesses us in the strangest of ways. Looks like you have the right attitude to make this a positive experience. Enjoy that hubbie being around the house.
Scary, I know...been there...but your community of fans are looking forward to your new work. "When one umbrella closes, another opens"....or something like that!
I almost want to say congratulations. I'm very excited for you. You will fly high now. Your world will be better than ever. This little painting is great.
Your lovely open attitude, Carol, is what makes the difference between a crisis and an opportunity. When God leads me to a dramatically different blessing, I seem to always go kicking and screaming instead with an open-eyed wonder and patience. Oh that hindsight vision!!! Bless you and your family - I will be thinking of you all and looking forward to seeing how things play out.
Your umbrella is wonderful...such rich colors.
Hi Carol,
Haven't talked to you in a while, but still follow your every post. All your hubby needs to do is patent or start producing some of his fabulous ideas. I, just the other day, bought one of the panel holders he designed. I hope ya'll are getting a kick-back from those. The only reason I bought it was that your husband was credited with the design, so I figured they were doing it with your blessing. Hang in there honey!
Although I haven't commented in awhile, know that I look at your paintings and read your blog everyday! I'm sorry to hear about your husband's job, but reading your family's attitude about it makes me realize why your blog has always been my favorite to read. You're so positive and down to earth. You keep painting beautiful things through the ups and downs. Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration and motivation. My thoughts are with you and your family, but I know from ya'll's attitude already, that things are going to be good.
P.S. I really love the thick red brush stroke on the front of that umbrella! Lovely! :)
A few years ago, when my husband was 40, he took an $85,000 pay cut to go back to coaching high school football. Inspiring and leading young men, making a difference in their lives, has always been his passion and no amount of money could fill the void he felt working in the corporate world.
At the time, I was teaching, but dreaming of painting! I knew I could make more money painting than teaching, so we swithed! We sold our expensive house, bought a cozy cottage and never looked back! Our 3 young teens loved going to school with their Dad everyday. As for me, I had fun, flexibility and more than doubled my teaching salary that first year. I was thrilled to be painting....and he coaching! We've never regretted that 'big scarey' decision. I trust this will be a blessing to your family, as well.
Looking forward to the Salado workshop!
Best wishes to you and your family Carol. Looks like the Universe has gifted your husband with a very early retirement - which means a full time studio builder. He isn't going to stop working, just at that particular job. Besides with the book coming out and all of your workshops, not to mention your own painting, you must need a manager by now - who better than the man who loves you. You have a great attitude and even though this change might look like a trial right now I just know it will turn out to be a giant present.
best wishes to you all and blessings for the young ones.
you are a great artist-person.
would you like to do a self portrait and post it on David Lobenberg's blog in "paintoff" as he calls it.(needless to say we would be thrilled and hounered if yu do)If so pl, visit my blog.
Best of fortunes to you... I'm no economist, nor do I have a family to support, so I don't have more helpful words of wisdom.
I'm not an umbrella drink guy, but thhe painting is delicious. I'm really developing a thing for reds.
Hi Carol, I read your blog every day but have never commented. However, since I lost my job this year I know how it can feel. Your work inspires me and I love your titles. I will be thinking of your family. It will work out.
Oh man! What a wonderful opportunity! How exciting!!! My mother always says that to get something you really want, you have to make room for it. Your husband just helped you make room for your art career. Now THAT is an incredible man! Sounds like he could have continued working, but would have sacrificed the most important thing any one has- family time. I see you right now as a success, but I also see that you are on the verge of exploding off into a whole new realm in the art world. I am so excited for you!
I congratulate both of you for your brave attitude. Sure there is some fear of the unknown underneath but you are right to take the high road and give the rest of us strength to do the same when life presents us with a detour.
Love this little parasol and how the background red peeks through!
I know that y'all are gonna be okay. You're both geniuses in your own right. Bring on the 'inventions by David'!
Thank you everyone for these very sweet comments! Your support at this time means more than I can say, to both of us. Thank you!
I wanted to say that this little parasol comes from my friend Mary Sheehan Winn. She gave it to me at a recent workshop and I found it just the other day all folded up in my backpack. What a treasure! Thank you Mary!
Carol, I'm sure that all is well. This is a speed bump on the road of life. When one door closes, another one opens. I know that you've heard all of this before, but I really believe it's all true.
You have such a great attitude, it will all be OK, for you and your family, By the way, your new painting is beautiful!!
Hi, Carol - Am so sorry to hear about your husband's lay off. Have been there, too. You and he will both thrive with your wonderful talents and attitudes! Best to you. Liz
First off, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband being laid off. But that seems to be the norm these days.
What an optimistic woman you are. Something like this would've gotten me down and feeling stuck but you managed to see the positive aspects of it.
A lesson for all of us to learn I say!
You just hang in there and keep painting your fabulous paintings.
Something will come along for your husband, one way or the other.
Oh and the umbrella drink is great. The thing that I noticed most besides the colorful shape of the umbrella is the shadow it's casting on the surface below.
Keep going, Carol!!
This is stunning. Love how the underside of the umbrella (shadow color) is so much richer than its top, where the light is hitting it. You got that just right.
Good luck to you and your husband in this.
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