Someone asked me recently to say specifically what I like about my new Open Box M. There are 2 main features that make this box fabulous for me: 1. it's lightweight. It makes a HUGE difference carting around such a light box compared to my previous guirrila box. I always have to hike around a bit to find a good spot, and with this box I am willing to keep searching and not settle for something just because of my aching back! 2. the little holders for keeping the panel still while I paint are perfect. They don't get in the way, and they hold my panel perfectly still while I work. I don't even have to think about it. I don't miss the storage for paints. I bought a backpack for my laptop not too long ago, and my new box fits perfectly into the slot for the computer. Then I wrap my paints up in a grocery bag and put that in another compartment. There are 2 holders on the sides for bottles of water. I put my brush holder in one and my tripod in another, strap the whole thing down, and I'm off. It's a Victorinox backpack from Target, perfect for this sort of thing.
Speaking of hiking around to find the right spot, I'm going camping at Inks Lake the first weekend in October and would love to know what you consider the best spots for setting up. Thanks! Connie M.
Carol - I nominated you for the "Billiante WEBlog" Award because I just love you so much and everything you do inspires me! The rules are on my Sept. 11 blog entry. XOXO Laurel
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