This is my last carnation of the series. It's my favorite so far - I'm stopping while I'm ahead.
My new Open Box M came yesterday and my aunt happened to be here at the time. I pulled it out and showed it to her and she said "cool, how much was it?" I said "$200" (I just got the inside part). She said "What?! For a little box?!" I said "how much was that little box in your lap?" (her laptop).
Hi Carol,
Just riding through to see what you are up to...
Stunning as usual and so inspiring!
Congrats on the award.
Sorry about the clinker...Nothing worse than spending all that time on a painting only to step back and see none of what you were after.
Fortunately, art is like childbirth. The pain is soon forgotten so we can quickly get back to the business of creation.
You really nailed the glow on this one, Carol. Lovely!
HA! Yes, we need to get "outside these boxes" that suck our lives away and into the world with a really cool box. I look forward to hearing how ya like it. Are you taking it to Germany?
I love my Open Box M in fact I loved it so much when I first got it that I didn't what to get paint on it. Sooo, GO IMMEDIATELY AND GET PAINT ON IT! Enjoy!
Ha! Thanks you guys. Skeet, I had the same feeling about my pristine new box - I don't want to get it DIRTY!! But I will. And yes, Penny, I am thrilled to be able to take it to Germany. I leave next Thursday and hope to post while there at least sometimes.
If you have a chance to post a photo of the 'part' of the box you bought, I could better understand what you mean by only buying the 'inside'.
I'm going to get off this 'box' too and get back on those sunflowers before they die ;)
The painting is lovely.
Hee! Good comeback.
i think the background did the trick on this one...the contrast(?)...
a question...do u ever go back to ur old works and re-work them with some new insight u've learnt about paintings....
btw the glass in theprevious one i like :)
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