My computer has contracted a virus ... bug ... whatever you call it. My computer EXPERT (my husband) is off in Germany visiting his birth-parents. I leave to join him on Thursday, and until we get back (Sept. 3rd) I have questionable computer reliability. Sometimes it turns on and stays on. Sometimes it doesn't turn on at all. And sometimes it comes on for a little while and then it goes into some sort of safe mode and tells me I shouldn't use it. Sigh. Right now it's on and staying on.
Carol, this is great. I love limes. Oh, and also, get a MAC.
Loverly Limes !
Computer issues make me anxious, good luck, dear.
Great painting, love the colors.
Sounds like time for a new computer - both my daughter and I had similar issues and the repair costs were going to be huge. Totally agree with David - get a MAC!
Have a great time in Germany!!
Nice one, Carol. I really like this glass bowl.
RE: computers, I love my iMac, and it's great for avoiding virus bugs.
Have a great time in Germany!!
Hi Carol,
Still loving your paintings - they just keep getting better!
Looks like we'll be in NM around the same time again. Why not come up to Taos for a portrait painting session with the TSoPA?
And yes, be sure your next computer is a Mac- they just work better!
Someone I know had that same problem and it was the video card which is an easy fix, I understand. Good luck and thanks for all the great paintings and bloggings!
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