Happy Memorial Day everyone. Since my sitter was coming anyway, I used this holi-day to do a demo video. I've been putting it off for forever because I thought it would be really difficult. But it turned out to be a cinch (especially since my husband did the hard part - getting the video ready for the web). While most people have to speed them up, I actually had to slow my video down since I paint so fast. Ok, not really. It is 8 minutes long - view demo.
Thank you so much for this great demo! Watching you work amazes me. I receive your daily emails and really admire your brush work---so seeing you in action is great. Hope you do more. Thanks for the inspiration.
Carol - thanks so much for this video. I could really see how you put down each stroke. The music was good too, I was dancing and learning about painting at the same time - nothing like multi-tasking. :o) I vote for more short videos too!
This is a real holiday treat. You did a fantastic painting of my nemeses "Pepper" Now i've made a pot of tea at 10:30pm and will study, how you get that translucent value. And then watch it just for enjoyment. Then tomorrow morning i'll study it again. Then give my brushes a stern talking to, for poor performance. ;)
I really enjoyed watching this, thank you for making it. Please do another and another. Next time will you show us your set up too, please? Barb
Thanks for the awesome video! It's great to watch you paint because you're such a brave painter. I loved it when you did those big brush strokes breaking the edges. I still check your blog almost daily and am always impressed. I really enjoyed the recent cherry series. Thanks!
Excellent demo, and such a pleasure to watch your big movements (hand/wrist/arm) on such a small board.
Bravo!! Bravo!! The master at work.
It's wonderful to see a good painting. Even better to watch the birth of a good painting.
Thanks for sharing this!!
Your demo is so fun to watch- Love those decisive strokes. And I could swear you choreographed the brushstrokes to go with the music.
More! Do more!
Thanks for posting this video, it was great to see you in action. I was wondering why the colour in the demo was so less saturated than the posted painting? I am hoping that your painting really looks like the posted image -just love your use of colour! I agree with the others, please post more demos!!
Oh, could you please post the pigments you used for this demo, and did you use any thinners or mediums to alter the consistency of the oil paint? Thanks!
Thank you so much for doing this for our benefit and enjoyment. I savored every minute of it. You are wonderfully talented! I get your daily blogs delivered to my email each time you post, and today was like Christmas morning!
Hey Carol....what a great Holiday Surprise....thanks for taking the time out of you're very busy schedule....Love It!! Love It!! Now that all the guys at the art center have heard sooooo much about the October workshop....now they can see you in action!!!! When you get a little break, can you see me a supply list...
Brilliant, awesome to see you paint.
Thank you
Wonderful Carol! Thanks so much for sharing and educating us. Would love to see your set up and palette in a future video.
One more thrilled viewer and fan to echo all the sentiments above.
What a privilege to see you in action- those brush strokes are so confident that you ought to consider locking them up at night. It looks like they know exactly where you want them to go.
Please assure your husband that his cinematography skills are being appreciated by zillions of your fans and we would love to have many more.
Would you consider showing the palette and brush being utilized while you paint- I couldn't tell but it looked like you only used one brush for light and dark colors- is that so?
This was so fantastic- thank you, thank you!
Wow...fantastic video...Thank you for taking the time!
spectacular, amazing, inspiring demo. thank you carol! the speed at which you paint is unbelievable!
Wow, incredible! I have always wanted to know how you get started.
Very cool!
This was soooo helpful to me, and I can't thank you enough for your generosity in showing us all HOW.
Your devoted admirer.
Just wonderful to see!
Makes me want to paint in oil again...
We Want More!
We Want More!
We Want More!
We Want More!
Zehava Power (www.zehava.ca)
Carol, this was GREAT!!! Thanks so much for showing us how you paint! I've been 'hooked' to your blog since you helped 'found' the Daily Painters movement, and I've always wondered just how you created your wonderful paintings. I was amazed at how bold you are when you first plop down the paint! Then again, I work with watercolors (I can't imagine how great it must be to have the option to wipe the canvas if one wanted to). You picked great music to accompany your painting, btw, very lively. Thanks again - look forward to MORE of these!!!
FANTASTIC! Great selection of music too!
What an inspirational video .. makes me want to get my paints out & get to work!!!
Thanks so much for helping all of us struggling artists!
Hey Carol,
Fantastic video! Thanks for the free lesson. ;) I especially liked that the image of the completed painting was above the video; I scrolled up and down to see how each stroke affected the finished work. Hugely helpful!
Wow! Thanks you guys for an overwhelming response. I promise to post more!
Sharon- The reason the saturation is different on the video vs. the final photo is because 1. the quality of our video camera (it's old and actual video, not digital) and 2. we had to compress the video in order to post it on the web. The photo is as close to true color/saturation as possible.
I used Gamsol thinner and my own medium: 2 parts linseed oil, 1 part stand oil, and 1 part Gamsol.
Suzi- My medium does not cause my paintings to dry quickly (I don't think). I paint fairly thin and so they are dry enough to ship by the end of the 7 day auction. I ship 1-3 days after the auction ends.
Let me know if ya'll have any more questions. : ) -Carol
My god, you paint fast! That's incredible! heh heh. Seriously, That's awesome. Thanks for doing that video for us. Of course we'd love to see more. I even liked the music with it. For some reason I imagined you'd have the Pixies or something like as background music. :)
Hi Carol, Wonderful video..you are such a talent and so sharing. Kudos to your husband for all his time in editing. However, just to put you on notice... there's some very serious competition out there..take a look
I was a fan of Silverton Bristlette brushes, too, but have recently switched to..not quite as stiff..Robert Simmons Titanium! Love them, size 4 Bright on the little 6x6 panels.
Jennifer, ha! I have seen the elephants that paint - they're really amazing. Thanks for the brush tip - I'll look into it.
Oh I just love your video! I've really been waiting for this -- it's so good to see how you paint. Thanks so much to your husband, too, for making it!
Did I mention that the flamenco guitar is just perfect?
It's like you're fighting zee bull!
Kind of a good analogy actually.
The Pasa Doble of painting :D
Amazing! Thank you so much - it's a real treat to watch you work.
awesome!! thank you!
i've been miserable about not being able to make it to santa fe for a workshop. this was such a treat. thank you very much for sharing and that's a great job on the video. many thanks!
How generous are you, for all this work! I pray it pays off a thousand-fold!!! One day I will be as good as this! I would SO LOVE to take a class from you in Salado, I live in Temple! Do you need a TA? I'm serious! Let me know and I'll show you my artwork. buzzsbarber@hotmail.com
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