This is my 500th daily painting! It is a commissioned piece, so not for sale. Someone asked in a comment if I think about being loose when I paint, and the answer is yes, absolutely! I reached a cross-roads with my painting some time ago when I realized I could either go more realistic or more impressionistic. I asked myself 2 questions: which do I like to look at more, and which do I enjoy doing more. The answer to both was impressionistic and so that's the direction I took. That doesn't mean I don't expiriment with all sorts of things, but a big goal of mine is to stay loose with my strokes, and to interpret and suggest rather than copy. I am honestly in awe of those that can produce photorealistic paintings, but for my own enjoyment, I paint this way instead.
Congratulations on 500! Amazing. I don't know what is different, but your recent paintings seem stronger and really confident. These pears are just gorgeous.
I am truly in AWE.
I admire your incredible talent and dedication.
Love the loose structure and the complimentary colors.
Fabulous, as usual!
Happy 500th carol! Thank you for all the beauty and inspiration. :)
I think I may have to learn how to do oils! Lately I've been really restless with my drawings and pastels and find myself drawn more to a looser style. Loosing up isn't that easy as it looks as silly as that sounds. You are a real inspiration. When will you be doing a workshop in the Austin area?
Congratulations!!!! That is a tremendous accomplishment in oil painting. Do you happen to have, maybe the two most important things you have learned from this journey into paint? It's intense isn't it?
Congrats on the 500th! I agree that something has changed in these last two pieces. I think working on the recent larger piece has loosened you up even more. Maybe using larger strokes in a larger work has stayed with you this time as you moved to a smaller canvas. Is that possible?
These pears are really brilliant!!!!
500 paintings - wow! Kudos! Your style is loose - and I enjoy looking at your blog - to remind myself, one can stay loose - consistently. It takes a lot of practice. Thanks for modeling for others! You are an inspiration!
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