Someone asked me yesterday what I've learned in the last 500 paintings. For what it's worth, here's what's topmost on my mind:
The most difficult thing about realism (even impressionistic realism) is ... getting things to look REAL. However, if you can pull it off, it is most impressive. And the way to make things look real is to be accurate with proportion and value. And the way to be accurate with proportion and value is to teach yourself to always compare each distance/value with the WHOLE scene (SQUINT!!!!). It's all too easy to get tunnel vision when we draw/paint and only compare within what we're focused on (it's because of the way our brains work). When we do this we lack the big picture and proportion/value are much more likely to be incorrect.
I've also learned some interesting things about edges, but those are better demonstrated than spoken. So, I am going out on a limb here and setting a deadline for myself. I will post a demo video within one ... two months. How about that? (I'm going to hate myself for this, I know it)
You might hate yourself for it but we are gonna love you! Even more! I really look forward to that.
My sentiments exactly!!!
Not that we could ever come close to how you do what you do, but I bet there are legions of your fans who would be thrilled just to watch some of your process.
Very very generous of you given your schedule and your ever growing number of paintings.
What fantastic paintings you do.
Understanding your words and having my brain translate to my hand/palette is entirely another thing.
I'm excited to hear that a video, especially one showing how you paint edges is in the works. Don't want you to add more stress to your life, but glad to hear that you are considering a video demo. It's out lucky day!
Great advice Carol. Thanks for taking the time to reach out to other artists and share your work and thoughts. Your work is truly amazing. Happy Mother's Day!
I can't wait for the video demo! What a treat that will. It will probably answer a whole slew of questions for me - can't wait.
I am SO excited about a demo video (no pressure, Carol!)! You really can't do a bad job! I have been trying for a year to imagine HOW you achieve those luscious edges - and now I'm going to get to see it! Don't hate yourself. It'll be so great. You're a doll. Thank you and Happy Mothers' Day!
these colors & composition are so compelling.... really drew me in from all the images on DP today! LOVE THIS! (and yeah, I'm looking forward to a video of you working, too!).
Cheers, Roxanne
I'm also very excited by the prospect of a demo video and am looking forward to it with great expectations. You are so generous and it's so true that what you give out will always come back to you.
Happy Mothers Day
Just say no! You've got so much on your plate already. However, I must say, I'd love to see the demo. You ought to sell it!!!!
If you change your mind remember what Bob Burridge says:
"If you don't change your mind, you don't have one."
Thanks for everything. You are an inspiration!
Penny, noooo, don't tell her that!! Carol, you have become part of my life everyday for many, many months. If I lived closer, I would attend one of your workshops....I live in the northeast and only have summers available to me, as I am an ART teacher in a public school. Anyway, I so appreciate the time you put into your blog and the thought of a video just blows me away. Can't wait. Thank you, thank you, thank you and happy mother's day!! Ellen
Thanks for sharing that Carol. You may hate yourself for promising the video, but we are loving you for it. I bet there are others like me who have just not been able to get to a workshop and would love a little sample like this.
I'm so glad you're going to post a video demonstration. I love your work.
a VIDEO?? oh boy oh boy oh boy!
woohoo! YAY!
thank you Carol, I can hardly wait!
Great advice - and I'd love to see a video of you painting! Just make sure you have a few more workshops planned before you air it as I suspect you'll have a lot more people wanting to sign up for one! :)
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