Someone asked me to post my palette, so here goes (from left to right): Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Blue, and Burnt Umber. I figure I can mix just about any color with these. Every once in a while if I want a really saturated green I'll pull in a lemon yellow, or if I want a different purple I'll pull in a different shade of red. I use all Utrecht brand paint. It's inexpensive but I've never had an issue with it. Every once in a while I buy a more expensive tube to see what I'm missing and always go back to my Utrecht paint. I'm having fun with the cherries.
If you can get those colors with Utrecht oils, I think it behooves me to check out their acrylic paint line since I'm an "acrylicer" I'm always blown away with your colors.
I wonder what it was like sharing the workshop with Karin Jurick. I saw the video she did on putting paints on her palette, she uses soooooo many colors. It didn't inspire you to add colors to your palette? Barb
Yea! another limited palette person! Thanks for posting your palette. No one needs a bazillion colors when you can mix 'em and have color harmony as a given.
Great shiny cherries!
Ahh, the polka dots are back! You have a way with them.
Excellent palette, Carol. And another excellent painting, too. Back to the paints, I've been using Utrecht oils for over 30 years. I've used them in comparison and in conjunction with all the big guns and they have continued to perform beautifully over the years. And you just can't beat the price. So glad to see another reputable artist using them.
Thanks so much Carol, for posting information on your palette and appreciate the Utrecht review from you and Dianne also. What great choices for a compact universal palette! I am amazed by all that you do with just these colors alone.
I use Utrecht as one of my suppliers in NYC. My best find so far is Utrecht brand sable watercolor brushes. Approximately $4 - $5, and better than Windsor Newton Series 7's, ($12 and up) for durability and quality. A big tub of Utrecht gesso was also affordable and perfect for a ceiling mural.
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