We wound up the workshop yesterday and got a nice photo of everyone and their favorite paintings (or what they hadn't already packed up). It was a fantastic group and we had a blast all week! I flew home today and promptly took a 5 hour nap. : ) I'll be back to posting paintings very soon.
Hi Carol,
A friend and I were out plein air painting today and we were talking about taking a workshop from you since we both read your blog and enjoy looking at your work. We just need to make the time to do it.
It's nice to see the photos from the workshop. Thanks for posting them!
What a grinning group of artists. Are they smiling because they painted great looking pieces, in Santa Fe, took a workshop from Carol Marine or just finished off the Avocado pie. :) I think I need a refresher class there.
What an enviably happy group,and great looking work ( even miniscule as they look from the posting ).
Just a small sector of the growing Marine fan club.
We are all eager to read more stories, more comments from students and to see more pictures.
How wonderful.
Hi Carol,
I've been watching from a distance for a few months now, yet another fan of your beautiful paintings, and am finally diving into the conversation. Love the community you've built up around your blog.
I admire the looseness and somewhat abstract nature that some of your small paintings exhibit, and am hoping to move my own work in that direction.
I'm curious whether you ever paint large works with the same quick loose hand that the small paintings have?
Thanks for sharing your work, your process, set-up, materials etc. Very inspiring!
I found you from Frank Gardner's blog list, and have been watching your site for a bit, now - thought I should let you know.
Anyway, I really like "Simplicity" and the radishes and pears - well, all of your paintings, really....but those moved me the most.
I'm not a painter, but I sure like seeing the photo you posted, here, of your happy "workshopees" - you are obviously a great teacher, too!
You and a couple of others from Frank's list have changed my opinion about the still life, which I used to see as an obsolete format, useful now for exercise only. But, you and the others surely make art in still life! Thank you for blasting a long-held opinion out of my mind's eye!
I will continue to visit to see your beautiful work!
Thank you!
Awww, that looks like it was so much fun! Eee, and I love seeing those beautiful Andreeva doors again;)
I love your paintings Carol!
Good for you guys. That's sounds like a great workshop and I plan to make it to one hopefully soon. *Crossing fingers* Carol might do one with Karin Jurick in Atlanta.
We were a great group! no one cranky, no one full of themselves, everyone kind and giving of their comments, their tools, their paint, their time, their generous spirit, their wonderful talent. I personally couldn't have been happiersurrounded bythese funny, quirky people. I know I have new friends. It was very hard to walk away from the group at our final parting, and as I thought about different moments over the past week, I found myself laughing, grinning, smiling broadly.
I can't say enough about Carol's overflowing talent, and her goodwill sharing every detail and fascet of her business was invaluable. Watching her paint made all the difference in the world. Every stroke meaningful and done purposefuly and precisely. hardly any hesitation as she paints.
As does Greg, the student who has the flower, I have the limes on coral pink ground and watching Carol lay every stroke..well, I'll never forget the experience...she taught me everything while I realized I knew nothing.
That's me holding on to her for dear life..I didn't want to let her go. What a darling, lovely person, just a child and yet very wise indeed. She is younger than my children and I had the hardest time not kissing and hugging her to death and fluffing her girlie curly curls. She remained a pro throughout.
Take a seminar ASAP. You won't regret it.
I hope to help organize a Central Coast California class in late 2009.
Thanks for listening. JB
I'm still disappointed that the Red Deer, Alberta workshop is full, but hopefully you'll do it again sometime. I think it's nice to work in a group sometimes to inspire one another and feed off each other as the life of an artist can often be a very solitary pursuit.
I just love seeing this picture of all these happy faces!
I was tickled by JB saying, "...just a child and yet very wise indeed." I can personally vouch for Carol's freakishly preternatural wisdom, having seen it in action in real life many times. I'm lucky enough to count her as a close friend.
As always, beautiful work, Carol...
Hey that's me, back row, third from the left! I LOVED this class. Thank you Carol. It's almost a week later and I'm still flying high. For anyone thinking of taking a workshop with Carol, DO IT. I have an arts background but am just learning to paint. I feel like I got more out of this class than from 4 years of art school. Even after seeing several demos and learning her techniques her painting is still just magic to me.
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