Today, instead of using my time to do a larger painting, I did a bunch of small ones. One might call this cheating, as I am doing them ahead and will be posting them as my dailies for the next few days. But if the idea is to paint every day (or as often as life allows) then fear not - I will just be ahead for a little while, and still painting as much as before. This painting is the first in a series then, of single pears.
This is really,really beautiful.
Wow. That pear is sweeeet. Right there at the stem. I am just too impatient.
Nice colors and loose brushwork! I really like it!
No...not just a pear but an in your face macho pear with balls! Do you paint mostly with a flat brush? Love this pear.
Nice angle. I bought several pears about a month ago, but I got caught up in painting copper and had to bake a pear pie before I got around to painting them! Your pear is lovely.
Do you ever have trouble uploading photos? I have been trying to post a very special painting for about an hour, and I keep getting error messages. Any suggestions, anybody?
Thank you everyone! It means so much to me to hear.
David, yes I paint ONLY with flat brushes. I love them!
Pamela, I have trouble every once in a while posting images. I usually just wait and after a while (could be 5 minutes or an hour) I try again. Usually it works then. Good luck with it!
Super pear!
I am determined to make myself do something each day and remembered that I have a number of small canvases. I'm inspired by seeing what you can put on something so small.
Absolutely beautiful Carol
Perfect. The color variation in shadow side are so playful. I love how these brush strokes describe the shape loosely but the colors are just right on.
There's something very special about this pear I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's the simplicity of the composition. Can't wait to see the rest of the series!
I love this one Carol! Perfect angle & colors.
Carol, the pair is luscious and so is the painting. This might be my favorite of yours so far, but then...
I love your modulation of oranges to greens against blues and gray-blues. Gorgeous reflected light. Yum-yummm.
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