I have hired a new sitter for my son. Desiree has two cute little girls, Victoria (19 mo) and Lana (6 mo), and they will all come to my house 2 days a week to play with Jacob while I paint (today was the first day). The girls are both incredibly happy-go-lucky, and they make me realize how LOUD my son is. But I have these magical headphones that play my favorite music and drown out everything else. I did a larger painting today and had just enough time to do this quickie. These grapes were in my larger painting as well. I broke a big rule of mine here and have them floating right in the middle. All my students are saying "hey!" right about now. : ) But remember, there are no rules in art, just consequences.
Seems to me that that pointy bit of shadow anchors the grapes to the edge of the canvas... so they aren't really floating (or lost) in the middle... Just my opinion.
How long to you spend actually painting these? Do you do a preliminary sketch on the prepared canvas?
Hi Carol, They may be in the middle, but it WORKS! The brush strokes pulls your eyes around the painting.
I am so impressed that you get to hire a sitter to watch your son while you paint, that's exactly what I need to do!
When the composition works, it works, the center be darned!
Thanks you guys! It takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours to do these small ones, in general. I do a sketch on the canvas, with paint, to get the proportions right before I start.
How could I pass up commenting on this one, it is typical of your work..full of energy and balanced with sensitivity. You are an inspiration.
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