Today I thought I'd try the same general setup and lighting as the last 2 paintings, but with the "old" raymar canvas board and Monarch brushes. I've gotta say I enjoyed this one the most, but probably mostly because I am the most comfortable with the tools and process (and it is a little smaller, so it went quicker). I'd love to get some feedback about the differences and which ya'll think is most successful. Give me your worst - I can take it. : )
I think you did both very successfully, each in its own way of course. The canvas one brings out more texture with the strokes, whereas the previous one is more smooth and glassy, almost like watercolor/gouach. And with the canvas your brushstrokes are more lose and carefree.
But they're both fabulous!!
I think you could paint on a paper bag and it would still be beautiful. They are both very nice. I personally prefer the feel of canvas under my bristle brushes, but I occasionally paint on gessoed Masonite. I think your choice should be which ever feels better to you.
For me these last two painting have been the best in awhile. This one especially.
Love those wild energetic edges and the light is sweet indeed.
They are both so beautiful in their own right: the warm colors in one painting and the cooler colors in the other one. What I like most in your paintings is the transparent quality that emanates from the subjects. Beautiful and inspiring work!
Of the three, this one is by far my favorite. It's the light. The painting is absolutely luminous. Quite beautiful.
todays is looser and softer.maybe because youre very familiar with the surface and what its doing where on the other one youre having to figure it out as you go? i like em both.
I love them all, Carol. It would be really neat and instructive to see the same general subject in the same general colorwaves but on the two different supports. (I'm not talking about identical paintings, but paintings that are similar in topic and color choices.) Just a thought....
I like the two first ones...they have a luminous, juicy, yummy look whereas the other looks dryer and draggier. Now if I was just looking at the last one and not asked to compare...I would think WOW great Painting!
I check your blog often because I like your work very much and it resonates with my thinking about my own painting. I think, visually, the smooth board paintings are high energy and really alive visually; especially in "Off to see the World". I like the struggle and 'not-so-sure' quality. Sort of like 'sprint' conditioning for the marathon of larger paintings.
I like the more translucent colors in 'Off To See The World' better.
"Illuminate Us" is a little too dark and muddy for me.
I don't think I've ever seen a bad painting from you.
Virtuoso edge vibration and luminosity!
Hi Carol
I regularly check out your blog. The Lemons painting is a great piece, but the sharper edges and smooth surface changed the spontaneous, softer, look of your canvas surfaces. It seems everyone these days is getting on the masonite, flats band wagon (including myself). I think you should stay with the classic "Carol Marine" style that is so recognizeable, and so refreshing.
Catherine Jeffrey
I love this one Carol - it's sort of a show-off piece that I see and think, "Damn, this girl can PAINT!"
It's funny, I work on ampersand panels myself because I hate the texture of canvas showing through my brushstrokes, but when I look at your work, I think I prefer the one on canvas?? Hard to tell though - they're all beautiful.
Luminosity CITY! Carol, this is a fine, fine painting. Orange is such a happy color and I love the way it bounces around upon the canvas. The composition is very strong, and your brush strokes amazingly more fluid and familiar. At first all I could see were the beaurtiful aspects of your work. But you begged for critiques toward growth. So I really took some time to try to see what I could tell you that could help us all remember to check this or that in our own work. Do you see that dark black shadow between the two oranges? Shouldnt there be a reflective shadow or could you have arranged the oranges without that dark spot right in the middle of the canvas. It works. Hoever, I believe there is more than just a dark shadow with that much light bouncking around. But that may be your secret to your paintings ultimate luminosity. It's a beauty!!!
Would you ever consider "illuminating us" with a painting video like Karen Jurick did? There is only one Carol Marine but seeing you work your magic might help some of us artists (too far away for a workshop) with their struggles with edges... and color.... and composition...!! thanks!! You are such a pro!!
i am new to all of this and to your work. i must say i absolutely love your fresh quick approach to the subject matter, great sense of color and composition. i have been studying your work for the past few days now. i can't say enough! your little paintings just make me feel good so thank you!
Helen van Wyck used to quote her teacher--"you can paint with a broom if you know what you're doing." There's no doubt in my mind that you could do just that, but why switch from what feels best to you. Whatever surface and brushes you're relating to most comfortably will give you more freedom to create. Sure, experiment now and then, but stick with the stuff that feels good. And just paint. By the way, the one's done your Monarchs and canvas board seem more fluid to me.
All of your paintings are beautiful. But of the last few, I love this one the best. I think it is because it moves way beyond the subject of two oranges. It glows! The colors are warm and luxurious and provide an ahhhhh feeling.
Carol, I have to say I've enjoyed the last few paintings (the ones on panel) very much! But I also love, love, love the ones you do on canvas. I see 'you' through both - like different moods. The softer ones have a quality that the newer ones don't, but the newer ones, to me, are exciting and fun. Soo.... not much help, I think you should paint on and with what YOU like. We'll just sit back and enjoy whatever you do.
I think that your work is successful with both types of brushes and supports. It seems like you are trying to decide for one over the other.
I say master both and pull out the one you need for the effect you want. Or mix and match. That would give another option.
the light here is sublime
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