I heard this great quote by Steve Martin the other day. He said: "Consistent work enhanced my act. I learned a lesson: it was easy to be great. Every entertainer has a night when everything is clicking. These nights are accidental and statistical: like lucky cards in poker, you can count on them occurring over time. What was hard was to be good, consistently good, night after night, no matter what the circumstances." Don't we (artists) all strive to paint that perfect painting? Well this daily painting thing has convinced me that it's not about that one - it's about all the others - it's about the process and the life as an artist. The experience. Going into our studios day after day and doing what we love - but doing it.
I agree heartily, Carol! And I'm thrilled for you that you managed to actually DO the daily paintings. I did let it get away from me, but you're definitely my inspiration. This rose is gorgeous - I always find them so challenging, you made it look easy. Actually that's one of the things I love about your work - it's so well designed that it LOOKS easily painted. And we all know it's not. :)
YES, Carol, I agree. And perhaps the reason you feel you have "forgotten how to paint" after a couple of days absence is because the flow is interrupted? I love the Steve Martin quote--it reminds me of Robert Genn's analogy: "The centipede has rhythm and flow in its hundred legs precisely because it does not have to think about it. Consider this the next time you move the instrument of your art"...
(But I'm thinking, even the centipede has to take a break every now and then, huh? If for no other reason, to change direction!)
You're right Carol. Consistency has been a tough thing for me to achieve. My professors have warned me over and over that you'll probably never reach a point where you can bang out a perfect painting every time, rather, you have good ones and bad ones, and it's a constant back and forth. The good ones make it so worthwhile though!
delurking to say I LOVE your work. and also cracking up when I read an older post... b/c I, too, listen to Radio Paradise when painting! great minds, eh? keep up the inspiring work.
It looks like you nail it every time. Like it's effortless. I'm sure it's not but your dedication inspires me.
I hate to fail and never think about my paintings in terms of good practice. I expect a good one every time :/
beautifully put carol. i'll remember this quote. i've been having a rough patch painting lately so this is really good to read.
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