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My internet connection was down for some reason last night, and I wasn't able to post this. So I will most likely post two today. These cherries may look simple, and you might think I could whip it out in 5 minutes, but I guarantee you I didn't. In fact I slowed down with this one and studied every stroke. This is one of my favorites yet, I must admit.
Hi Carol - I'm speechless! This little painting takes my breath away - you are truly blessed - its amazing to me to watch you grow. At the risk of gushing, you are so good and then just jump to another incredible level. It gives me hope.
Gorgeous! How did you get those reds?!?
I'm deeply, deeply jealous.
I like the lushush ( I can't spell it ) Reds. Nice simple design, I like reds
Could I ask a question, Do you have a two day rule for seeing wether your painting works for you? for me when I have finished painting, I have to take it downstairs out of the way, as I have looked at the painting so long I can't see it properly or even if I been done a good job or not?
Thanks for all the comments you guys - it means so much to hear!
Andrew- For my daily paintings, no, I just post what I have whatever it is. For the big ones, I absolutely have to give them some time. And, I have my husband and stepdaughter look at them and give me a critique. They are usually very honest and both have a good eye. Yesterday I worked on a large painting all day and wasn't terribly happy with it - probably because I had been staring at it all dady. In the evening I went out for a long walk and when I came back I accidentally knocked my painting off my easel and messed it up a bit. I thought "oh well, it's fate," and was about to wipe it off. I decided to at least let my husband see it and he decided it was my best painting ever. So I fixed it and today I like it. You just never know.
WOW!! It really shows that you thought each of those strokes out, Carol! I love how simple the composition is and how each one of those cherries has got such life. Each of your paintings just seems to get more and more well done--you've got something going here! Way to go!
Carol, these cherries are amazing! Sometimes it is the most seemingly simple subjects which turn out to be the most difficult to paint.I can see that you've really studied these cherries intensely and you've conveyed their simplicity beautifully. Thanks. Neil.
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