These are the fanciest shoes I have. I've had them for about 2 years, and I've worn them exactly 2 times. Since I knew the whites and blacks in this were going to be rather cool, I picked a warm brown as a ground. I used my new brush on this too, and I swear tomorrow I'll tell you the brand ... I'm too tired to climb the stairs again tonight to look. But I'm feeling better, and I hope to paint again tomorrow. This one was an extra I did right before I got sick.
Even though I've never seen you do shoes before, I knew right away this was yours (on Daily Painters). Way to go. Glad your new brush is inspiring, and that the day care doldrums have passed.
Always enjoy your subject matter for small paintings. Interesting way you used the color to do a black and white paint. Pat
You always have interesting subject matter for your small paintings. The use of a black and white painting and how you added the color to make it pop gave us all something to learn.
Hello Carol,
The subject is very original and you say the essential with the minimum of brushstrokes . I visit your blog recently and I have to say to you that I like very much your last paintings. It seems to me that your palette is clearer and you know how to represent this simple fruit that is the apple often in an original way, you know how to find the good composition to emphasize it.
Now, I see apples under another angle, thanks to you!
(Sorry, I believe that it is not written in good English)
Great job Carol. The touches of warm brown make it zing! Glad you are feeling better.
You mentioned on Saturday's post you bought Windsor Newton Monarch brushes. What types do you use: filbert, flat, bright, round?
love the piece today.
Very nice! I can't picture you in these shoes at all though. I like how you let the background color show, it makes a neat effect.
Hi Carol,
I really enjoy your work! I included a link to your blog in the "tag" game, just so you know.
These are wonderful!
Interesting, it looks almost completely abstract without a close look. I really like this!
Great Painting
Chris Bolmeier
This work is to fall in love with. I greatly admire your directness onto the support. A very brave division of the canvas too; the offside composition lending space to the white strokes on the left is a great way to show how value-contrast can offer such great balance. I know I am one of a big greedy bunch, clicking by the hour to see if you have posted something new! Thanks for the visual treats. And please, can you sometime post a video from start to end; it would be awesome. All those in favor...
Carol I love this piece. It is very spontaneous, but everything is in the right place. I especially love the bits of background showing through around the shoes. I wish I could get that in my paintings but it never seems to work so I end up covering the ground. This has the "feel" of Lael Weyenberg's shoe paintings, but with your own signature style. I wish I didn't have so many Xmas gifts to buy or else I might bid on this one.
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