I'm still trying to go lighter here (see previous post). My husband asked me yesterday why I'm resistant to this. I said I had a professor in college who said I used too much white. My husband was flabbergasted that a teacher I didn't even like could have such a profound effect on my painting all these years later. So, I am getting over my fear of white. I am finding it is very useful. I suddenly see that I was focusing so much on shadows and colors I forgot to really pay attention to the light side of things. I'm really enjoying this excercise.
This is really nice Carol. I like your new en"lightened" style. :o)
I remember comments like that in school, why do we hold onto the damaging ones instead of the ones that help us do better?
You know, if I didn't know any better I'd say you paint with Bart [bartfineart.blogspot.com]. You guys seem to paint a lot of similar things. It's really nice artwork! Good job! How do you render your paintings on the computer? Camera?
You can find me at five-thirty.blogspot.com or at eight-thirty.blogspot.com.
Get your white paint (titanium, zinc, flake) out and paint your guts out girl. Try painting a white egg on a white cloth with a salt shaker and a white coffee cup and see how much color you can get.
I was told the same thing about white and in my case it was true. But after returning from oils 15 years later, I found myself avoiding white (and black) all together. I'm slowly allowing more white.
Your pieces look fantastic as always!
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