Sometimes I don't notice an over-all cast to a painting. For instance, this painting is a bit blue. Did you notice? : ) I'm pretty sure this is what it looked like, but probably I exaggerated the blue a bit. Lately I've been struggling with my paintings being too dark in general. For some reason I am afraid to get too light. I have no idea why. I'm working on it.
I really like the monochromatic blue and the little daisy is a perfect punctuation. Lovely!
Makes me feel like I'm seeing this on the kitchen tableas I walk to the kitchen at 2:00 am to get some water. Delightful!
Hey ya'll doin just fine.(Texas talk to ease your fear)
The best way to get over the fear of getting too light is to get too light. try a few experiments where you only allow yourself to paint with the 3 lightest values in your value scale. Then add the darks like you would normally add highlights.( sort of like anti-highlights). The point is try to paint as light as possible and still control the value and temperature changes.
Once you go to the extreme the small adjustments in your regular painting don't seem so scary.
good luck.:O)
Carol, I really like your dramatic lighting. It always reminds me of evening lighting with those long cast shadows. Is that the way you set it up or are you exagerating it.
On another note, when you go gallery searching, this link should be very helpful:
It lists most of the galleries in each state, organized by city, with links to their websites. You can check to see if their art is compatible with yours, get contact info, etc. I wish you well.
From a viewer's perspective, what you have here is absolutely fabulous and I would not like to see this go away and get replaced by anything. I think we all have our defaults where we 'wind down' to. I love to see the firm and definitive yet loose strokes, and the color harmony too. But, good luck with all your experiments. Something that has helped me in the past is to do grayscale for a change, and then settle for a higher or lower overall value plan.
I have been wanting to ask you about the mediums that you use: Turps, Linseed, OMS, Alkyd? Please do write.
Many thanks,
Funny you mentioned getting lighter . . . .after a serious review of galleries in Carmel, California, I found most to be in the high key world . . .and using a lot of sweet colors. Sorta threw me. Am wondering the same things about my stuff. Personally, I wouldn't change anything that you are doing. Your work is confident, a little loose and a lot wonderful. Keep being Ms Marine!!
This piece is really striking Carol. Hard to say if it's the palette, the lighting or the composition. Perhaps it's all three. One of my favorites.
I don't think this painting is too blue. I think it is just right! I love all the different blues used.
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