Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Spot On" --- SOLD

Thanks goes to Debbie Miller who came up with a great title for this peice!

This painting was inspired by my fellow painting a day-er Michael Naples. He does beautiful work, and I especially like his leaves. Check him out if you haven't already.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking 'anthracnose' or 'spotted in the garden'.

Michael Naples said...

I'm all smiles, Carol. Thanks for thinking of me. I agree with Silvina in using the word "spotted". Keep up the great work!

Debbie Miller said...

Spot On!

Mike said...

Again, great stuff, Carol! Would you mind if I added your link to my blog?


Carol Marine said...

Thanks for the suggestions you guys! I picked "spot on" because it's short and sweet and to the point. Thanks, Debbie!

Amy Stewart said...

Painting plant diseases. This is so brilliant. You've inspired me!