
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pink House 2 Again


I painted this same scene, years ago, in Colorado, from life, here. I guess I took a photo, because I found it yesterday and decided to give it another go. I didn't look at the old painting until I finished. What's amazing are the similarities!

Here's another peek inside my book. -> This page is about using a viewfinder. I'm amazed at how many workshops I've taken from people who don't use one at all. Crazy.


  1. I love the idea of the small temptations but I think I'm going to ignore them because I don't want to ruin the excitement of the book coming!:)

  2. Love the new one, loved the first one. Yes many similarities, yet the moods are so different! Congrats on your newest book that looks chock full of help and full of your masterpieces. You are so blissfully young at heart and it is evident in your artwork. Thank you for always sharing.

  3. Hi Carol,

    I admire both paintings and was struck by the similarities - and how uncanny that you were also being interviewed in Artists Helping Artists during the week of each post.
    Another great discussion, Carol - thank you for sharing your thoughts and congratulations on your latest book!
