
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pretty Woman


A stylish couple in New York City, posted by this artist (me) from many miles and an ocean away. We made it to Germany and have just about recovered from jet lag. I have done a tiny bit of plein air painting here so far, but the clouds have been working against me. Probably that is just an excuse, but I am going to stick with it. : )


  1. This painting has so much going for it. I love the moment, light on the focal point and effective use of negative space. I love your work!

  2. Carol, this one looks great! How much of this one was finished in the studio, may I ask?

  3. Thanks Carol and Danielle!

    George, this one was painted completely in the studio. No one will "sit" for me for long enough to paint them in the city. : )

  4. Carol, lol. I take a lot of pictures, but have yet to take the pictures in front of others. I do like what you have going here with your DP blog. I created my DP blog yesterday but I don't know how I will be able to post a new painting each day. Is it okay to start numerous paintings in a day and then posting them when each is actually finished days or weeks later? Or must I post a piece on the day it was started?

  5. Kristy- I think every person defines their own idea of "daily painting." There are no rules! You do whatever works for you. : )
