
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blue Suit


The photo for this was taken at Slide Rock State Park, just outside of Sedona. She was watching her loved ones slide down the rocks along the river, in the frigid water - crazy! I was happy to be plein air painting, but paused long enough to snap a photo of her. The background was a big slab of rock in shadow, but I was happy to change it into something fairly abstract. : )


  1. Lovely painting, I can feel the heat!

  2. Jeez, that is just such a perfect sketch Carol! The economy of brushstrokes is dazzling and I love the treatment of the background trees. Do you know how good you are (rhetorical question!)?

  3. Wow, this is great, Carol. Love the way the sun glints off her various parts! Fantastic!

  4. Wow I looove this and the background! You can see how the abstract is influencing this side of things ;-) They're serving one another quite nicely. Paint on!

  5. I especially love how the base coat of the canvas is a character in her world. Can you share about how you prepare and base coat a canvas? Do you use acrylic or oil? What colors can you use as a base coat? Does anything go or is this peachy tone the best? I see this peachy tone under alot of my favorite art. I was wondering if this was a common technique, or do artists get to choose based on the painting subject and their style? Thanks for sharing your heART with us!! =)

  6. Hi New Painter and thanks! I like to put down a "ground" before I paint, which is just a thin wash of paint (thinned with OMS). I use burnt umber a lot, which is what I used for this painting. I've used lots of other colors too, and I think just about anything can work, depending on the painting and the effect you want. Play around with it - have fun!

  7. So perfectly captured. Slide Rock has some of the best people watching opportunities.

  8. Wow-- this really looks like you used as few brush strokes as possible. I love the orange reflected on her face and leg right next to that blue!

    I'm curious- what brushes do you use?

  9. fantasttic your paintings

  10. Love the contrast of sunburnt skin and the cool blues in the bathing suit and background! I just love scumbled backgrounds, but the strap of the bathing suit is my favorite part!

  11. Brilliance . . .

    . . . in simplicity,
    smooth brush strokes, splashes
    of color with those
    brilliant white highlights
    in your signature
    Carol Marine style,
    you make it look so
    easy; that's brilliance.

  12. Lovely painting, it shows just sheer brilliance...
