
Sunday, August 04, 2013

"Walk the Doggie" & TSHIRTS!


This is from an image I took in San Francisco. I loved the slightly pidgeon-toed walk and the cute, red doggie vest.

Cafe Press came through for me! Pictured right are my son and I modeling the two designs I received yesterday (both adult sizes). The first read "carol's kids kan paint! (but we kan't spell)" & the 2nd is easier to see, "eat. sleep. paint." The first is actually my idea, and the second is from Wendy Grimes - thanks, Wendy!!

I put my designs on a few tshirts (and other things), but if you find one they offer that isn't in my store, it can be easily added, just let me know. MY CAFE PRESS STORE.

FYI - The prices are all cost - I'm not making a profit from this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caren,
    good to see you are coming out of the comfort zone...and coming out really well :)
    hope its helping!
