
Monday, August 19, 2013

Chatting on the Steps


First of all, I have a new workshop to announce. I am going to wait until Friday, August 23rd at 9PM CST. The location will be in Oregon, FYI. Check back then if you're interested. They tend to fill up fast.

Second, I took the photo for this in San Francisco at the top of a hill, in front of a big building ... with steps. Not sure I can give you any more info than that.

Third, several people asked for the photo reference from yesterday's painting, so here it is.


  1. Love the theme"Chatting on the Steps" Great painting.

  2. WOW- steps are amazing. Love how you altered the photo. Thanks for sharing, I was curious!

  3. "chatting on the steps" looks really great, it seems so realistic with the light, i can almost feel the sun
