
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Light in the City


These little scenes from the city (this one's San Fran again) are WAY harder than still life for me. They take longer and my ratio of paintings that work out to those that don't are lower. I seem to be really terrible at guessing ahead of time which photos are going to make good paintings and which aren't. That said, I like this one. I like the stripey building at the end.


  1. San Fran is near and dear to my heart, Carol. I love this painting. Your touches of red are perfectly placed.

  2. You have a perfect sense of values, and
    that makes anything you paint just right and
    pleasing in an artistic manner. Not that there's
    anything wrong with probing but you make
    statements and they are always right on.
    Love your work. ~ Lo

  3. I LOVE this one, Carol! You're absolutely right about the stripy building! It draws you in and makes the picture!

  4. This is very nice. I, too, have great difficulty finding the pic that will actually make a good painting. Many of my favorites just won't transmute into a good, or even adequate, painting.
