
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Tiniest Kitchen


I think I mentioned this before, but when I went to San Francisco recently I used airbnb to find a place to stay. This is the tiny kitchen in the tiny but very cute apartment I found. I took the photo for this in the morning, right before I made my breakfast, with lovely morning light streaming in through the window. I have fond memories.


  1. I love your still lifes, but your interiors have an intriguing light!

  2. Carol, this is amazing. You have taken an everyday scene and given it a sense of elegance and importance - à la French Impressionists. Your grays are gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing and reminding us how lovely those simple moments are in our lives.

  3. I love your painterly style and how you explain everything perfectly with such few strokes and picking it to death. Very nice

  4. gorgeous! just moved out of a place like this. will also always have very fond memories. Kerstin

  5. cute little kitchen - it was all your own

  6. I am just getting started as a painter (I usually paint houses :-) ) but I love your work.
    Thank you for sharing your art.

  7. Hi Carol! If you make it back up to the East Coast i was just at an Estate Museum that had a fridge from the 1900's (early probably first year they were made) that I'm sure you could make a gorgeous painting from. It reminded me of this painting you posted. I tried to sneak a photo for you but camera's were a no no. I'm sure for a famous artist though..... I have an email contact and will see if I can get one for you!

  8. You captured lovely morning light here!

    I wanted to say that I featured some of your work on my website:
    Part one
    Part two
