
Saturday, February 02, 2013



I met this little guy in a store the other day on a wander with my husband. He was up on the counter in this great light and I said to the lady working there, "He would be so cool to paint." She said, "Yeah." My husband said, "My wife is an artist," and the lady said, "Oh, you really mean it!" So I pulled out my cell phone and started snapping away. The reference photo wasn't great, but I'm so happy with the painting! Here are some process photos taken with my iphone -->


  1. So sweet! Love your brushwork in the background and the fabulous sense of light.

  2. You really caught that personality! Great one! Did you use HDR mode on the iPhone? Just curious.

  3. Very interesting sequence showing your use of bright (flat?) brushes.

  4. You did such a great job with this little guy, he just glows. He almost looks like he is trembling, lol Little dogs are so nervous.

  5. I saw this on my sidebar and just had to come over to say--beautiful dog!! Love the light shining through his ears.

  6. Love the brushwork, so spontaneous.

  7. He is so cute and I love seeing you painting a different subject with such ease, as I would expect of course.......

  8. Thanks for sharing the progress. Cute dog.

  9. This is amazing use of color to indicate the subject ! :)

  10. I just love how you can just 'throw' that color down in big swaths and it always is the right value, and in the right exact spot !! amazing ! I wish I didn't have to change the value once it's there... that always makes me lose the freshness. I'm not gonna stop trying, though !!

  11. He looks so sad but I love the way you caught so much feeling in his stance. Nice work.

  12. I'm in love with this little guy...beautifully done!

  13. Hi Carol. I like this painting too. What is it about paintings we really like? It's not easy to describe or duplicate them. It's all rather ineffable.

  14. I think sometimes bad references make great paintings, especially when the artist remembers why he/she thought it was an outstanding subject.
    It's obvious that you remembered exactly why Oatis was the dog to paint!

  15. Hi Carol - I love the brushwork - and seeing your process work - it is hard to believe you were using a photo for reference let alone a bad one, the result is right on.
