
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Design Meeting

Click Here to Bid

This is the painting I did for my apple demo ArtByte. I picked apples because I am most comfortable with them, and they seemed like a good subject to start with. I envision doing quite a few more, all on a different subjects: grapes, orange slices, glass, roses, white cups, etc ... even silly faces.

Speaking of ArtBytes, thank you all for the great comments and reviews you've left. I was so nervous about putting them out there, and I don't think I could have gotten a better reception. Thank you thank you!!!


  1. I have seem them all, they are just great !! :)
    Silly face artbyte would be awesome!

  2. Carol, you can tell that you're comfortable with apples, you make them seem easy to paint. Cannot stop looking at these.

    Saw your "revised" lightbox tutorial and like the gooseneck lamp--could you direct me to that on B&H--looked high and low. It appears that it has been customized. Any help getting me out of the dark would be appreciated.

  3. Thank you Sowmya and Gary!

    Gary, go to b&h and search for this: Goose-neck Flexible Extension, and also this: Interfit 340 Pro Clamp. My husband put these together for me. I will put this on my list to add to my shadowbox ArtByte. : )

  4. Brilliant, beautiful and determined.
    Love your work.

  5. Carol, love the ArtBytes!Awesome idea and information in the ones I have now in my library is great.THANK YOU!!
    Flora Giddens

  6. Congratulations Carol and David on ArtBytes. Just bought my first one on colour saturation and think it's great! So nice to get a glimpse into your teaching methods - really great idea! Thanks.

  7. Carol - you are the queen of apple painting - these apples just glow. I am truly enjoying my Apple Painting that you painted on Whidbey Island - thank you thank you. I'm looking forward to diving into your ArtBytes soon - already watched one. Also want to report that I've been painting just about every day since the workshop - thanks for getting me jump started!
