
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Will Perform for Alcohol

Click Here to Bid

In my workshops I stress using a viewfinder to set up a still life. Some of my kids complain that they aren't able to hold the viewfinder steady enough or can't find the same view each time after they draw a little. If you have this problem I recommend this nifty device below, or something like it. You can clamp one end to something near you (like your easel or shadowbox) and use the other clamp to hold the viewfinder. After that the only challenge is to get your head back in the same place every time. : )


  1. Cool! I just love the stacks and the color behind with the red in front and then the always create the most interesting comps!!

  2. 1st, great picture, funny title! 2nd Thanks for the tip on the Grip-it, once again I will be rummaging through my sewing stuff to borrow for my painting stuff.

  3. Beautiful painting as always...and I had a chuckle when I read the title. How appropriate for Valentine's Day :)

  4. Very nice Carol. Love the green background and apples are sure your specialty. I use a viewfinder too and it is challenging to get it exactly in the same place each time.

  5. Don't know which I love more...the painting or the title! Thanks for the smile, Carol....

  6. This is really funny, those apples a fierce!! The glass you do always looks effortless. That clamp, I need that clamp!

  7. I can't get the click to bid to open. It does on the others.

  8. I immediately Googled a viewfinder. Till reading this blog, I've been photographing, then cropping, which isn't anywhere near the same as painting from life. It worked for Van eyke; it should work for me--I better get the clip too. Good post. Another terrific paintings. I just can't get over your angular style of drawing. Very unique. Very interesting.

  9. I appreciate this tip so much, as that has been a struggle of mine... Holding that darn viewfinder still! I will look for that clamp at the hardware store. Thanks! And the painting is gorgeous!

  10. As one of her current "kids", I AM finding the viewfinder to be pesky! And very very helpful.... So, like a good student, I'll either go find one of these or figure out a comfortable way to un-pesk the thing ;)

    Thanks, Carol!


  11. Love your new apple series! Especially 'One Brave Soul"! A bit of humor in a lovely painting. Congrats.

  12. Amazing paintings. Like the style and the deep colors. Follow you with interest.
    Bye for now, Sam.

  13. Is that hard apple cider? yum!!!

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