
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Sitting Still

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Right after I finished this one, as I was taking it off my easel, I managed to drop it on the floor - you got it - paint down! (sigh) What I have learned from past experience is - resist the temptation to get all the grit off while it's still wet!! If you wait until the paint is dry all the little bits come right off and usually the paint is just fine, as it was in this case.


  1. That little tomato and its reflection really draws my eye - you are a masterful painter!

  2. OMG... I thought I was the only one to do that!!

  3. See, my eye goes to the "shifted" refraction of the pepper thru the glass. Love it!

    (btw, did you know that just as a cat always lands on their feet, a painting always lands face down. *sigh* Thx for the suggestion!)

  4. Yepper, them paintings are just like a piece of bread with butter on them. Butter side down when you drop them.

  5. I love the series of paintings you are doing. Very simple yet not. I love how you captured the reflections in this painting.

  6. That tomato perfectly balances the composition, just love it

  7. I did exactly the same thing last Friday, and with enormous self control also managed not to touch it till dry! It is sort of comforting to know it happens to others too!
