
Monday, January 23, 2012


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What I have realized about these faces is - to get them super accurate (I mean, to get them to actually look not only like a human being but like a SPECIFIC one) is hard, especially with my loose style. I found I was getting tighter and tighter and not enjoying the process much at all. So when I did this one and the one I posted a few days ago, I gave myself permission to do whatever! I decided the photos were just a starting point, and I could run wild with my brush strokes. What followed was much fun for me! And I love the result and that's all that matters.

To answer a common question, no I don't do portrait commissions. Sorry. In fact, I don't take commissions at all anymore. If you've done them yourself you know they are no fun, and I consider myself very lucky that I can afford to turn them down. If you are looking for a portrait artist, my friend Susan Carlin is super-fabulous. Check out her blog too.


  1. This is definitely a huge Wowser!! I love it! 'You' are really a good one:)

  2. This is great! I sketch faces everyday and I like the spirit and vitality of this piece!
    It's always great to have fun when you do these things!

  3. This is my favorite! I LOVE this one and the title! Great personality!

  4. Love wowser:) The brushwork that shapes his face is just superb! Amazing shifts across the planes of his face- Giiiirl, this looked fun to paint and that you did just let loose and create as you saw it. Love the faces and enjoy learning through you!

  5. I love this one. Stay loose, Stay happy.

  6. This is great and what makes it most interesting is that you painted it in your style. I have heard the comment, "commissions are the death of creativity" lol. Not for everyone but you are right Susan Carlin is amazing at it. Happy Painting Carol

  7. So glad to see you get back to these, they bring a smile to my own face. The photos are so much fun, the paintings should be too!

  8. I love this series!! Seriously good!!!

  9. Good for you Carol! I'm going to take a wild guess that this is David L's mug. You've definitely captured his spirit!

  10. Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! My boyfriend makes a funny face that I call the "startled baby" face, and it looks just like this gentleman's. Change the full beard into a goatee and eyes to hazel-green, and it would be my boyfriend - ha!

    Whatever technique you're using to paint these portraits, it's clearly working well :).

  11. (Warning- this is shameless self promotion). I love faces like this. I hope you don't get discouraged. They are great.
    I do custom oil portraits on 6x6 panels. I keep it pretty loose and like to add fun colors while keeping a resemblance. You can check it out if you like on my website.

  12. I'm really pleased to see the faces again....I love how expressive they are! Sharon

  13. That's one ugly dude but well painted!
    Wait!. . . hold on . . . that's me!

  14. Love this one. I agree keep the FUN in painting!

  15. The fun you had painting this one really comes through-the blue eyes are my favorite part. I learn so much from seeing how you do things, like the beard and the planes of a face. When work is fun it just gets better and better!

  16. Love the eyes! Great fun.

  17. It's always fun to see a portrait you've done. I think this one is great--glad you had fun with it. I so agree about commissions. They feel like having to write a lengthy term paper--painful.

  18. Good one Carol!! Love those eyes!! Glad you found your own voice with these and are having fun. Cheers!

  19. OMG it's my ex-father-in-law!! Love your expressive portraits Carol!
