
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Egg on the Edge

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I am visiting my family for a few days while I'm here in Texas, before heading back to Oregon. I was busy all day today so I'll have to post about last week's workshop tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's an egg I painted while I was still at home. I was on a little egg kick, so expect more.


  1. I love the yellow yolk in the yellow bowl. And the tinge of yellow inside the shell. I never REALLY appreciated your paintings until I watched you paint them. This is so great Carol...a wonderful composition!

  2. Faces, portraits,trucks,flowers or egg kicks...yours are all just so GOOD!

  3. De quoi se faire une bon lait de poule!...
    Une très jolie peinture.
    gros bisous

  4. I'm glad you are on a egg kick, you do a fabulous job painting them. Enjoy your time with your family and have a safe trip home.

  5. Carol, I love your work. You have inspired me to give it a go o a painting a day for a year. I am two weeks in.
    Your work is amazing!
    Gabriele Baber

  6. Pure, clean and fresh...I LOVE it!
