
Monday, January 16, 2012


Click Here to Bid

I think you have to be from Texas or at least the south to read the title for this one right. I tried to think of a way to type a kind of pronunciation but couldn't quite make it. I hope it's clear enough.


  1. Amazing that something so simple can be so remarkable...

  2. LOL!!! I am from the South and the title SPOKE to me immediately. Superb painting as usual, and those dreamy blue-grays really let the orange areas sing. I hope your Mom is happy with the eggs! Those luscious broken brush strokes give your scene a nice, airy feeling. Beautiful!

  3. haha- I think that's how we would say it in AL ....and certain parts of FL! Love it!

  4. Them eggs walk funny. Maybe it's cause they're bowl egged and not rah or frah'd.

  5. Now that's funny, right there!

    Love this, Carol. Your eggs look so beautiful and translucent.

  6. It's clear! A hyphen before the "ed" might do help. Maybe it was all those years I spent in west Texas. Great form, you make it look easy. and it's decidedly not.

  7. I grew up in Calgary, Alberta, home of the Calgary Stampede. We too know how to say bowl legged. Your play on words is egg-cellent.

    (sorry, I couldn't resist)


  8. OH BUT WAIT.... the correct spelling of that particular leg formation is bow legged. :-).... the yolks on me.

  9. Very funny Carol - immediately popped the pic of an ex-boyfriend into my brain and I laughed even more!

  10. Your title is perfect, Carol! It made me smile! I absolutely love the colors in this painting! The color of the bowl is stunning.The warmth of the yellow and the cool shadows are so well done! I really enjoy all your egg paintings. Especially this one!

  11. This is a beauty! Love the blues in the egg shadows.

  12. Clear as day even to a Scot :)
    Love the painting too....

  13. I died laughing when I read this out loud. I knew EXACTLY what you meant. So funny!
