Saturday, December 31, 2011

Flipped Out

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I did this painting for this week's Daily Paintworks Challenge - Change the Color. The idea is if you keep all the values accurate, you can really make the colors anything you want. I don't normally recommend changing colors - it is surprising how many things each color will affect - but it was a fun exercise, and I am surprisingly happy with the result. Here are a few process photos.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Cherries Contained

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This is the last of the series and my personal favorite. Many thanks to Sarah for lending me the green bottle, which has complemented the cherries so well. And to my parents for giving me the confidence to pursue art in the first place ... wait, sorry I lapsed into my acceptance speech daydream. Heh heh ...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Coy Cherries

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For my second in this series I decided to play around with stacking and a cozy, little grouping. It may look simple but I tried about 30 minutes worth of different combinations with the bottles in different positions and stacks, etc. Oh man. Often the simplest compositions are the most difficult to come up with.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bird's Eye View

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I did a series of paintings with bottles and cherries. This is the first one and arguably the simplest. Stay tuned for   more.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pink Reflections

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I am so happy to have finally found cherries at the grocery store! Small, red and shiny - endlessly useful to the likes of this still life artist.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Disco Cherry

I found this cute little hippo at a thrift store near the coast. He's actually a toothpick holder - got a big hole in his back. But I thought he was perfect paired with this single cherry. They're on a date - doin' a little disco dancing while the hippo contemplates his next move.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Two Beautiful to Eat

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We are having a lovely time here in Eugene, especially now that the rest of our little family has arrived! Today we did a lot of last minute shopping and I even managed to squeeze a painting in.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Orange Stempede

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I've been experimenting lately with putting more paint down with each stroke. I like it. It has a more luscious look I think.

Orange Sensation

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I found these lovely oranges (with leaves still attached) at our Market of Choice. I've never been able to find nice ones like these before and was super excited when I did. I envisioned them like a little band, up on their bottles to perform, with their leaves like fancy capes. You know, because all bands have ... capes ...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reflecting Persimmons

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My buddy Sarah gave me these lovely persimmons right before I left last week for Illinois ... which is where I met my latest batch of troublemakers. We were a bit cozy in the space, which worked out since it was especially cold outside. Here they are acting like good little artists:

And below is my entire group of kids. Can you tell which one gave me the most trouble? But really, it was a great group! We had a lot of fun, despite Kristen's antics. : )

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Red Bowl

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You'll never believe it - the best flight I could get back from my workshop in Illinois was via LA, then Seattle, and THEN Eugene. Ack! It's been a long day. I'll wait until tomorrow to report about the workshop. Meanwhile, here is a painting that includes a special red glass bowl I got from my Grandma recently. She is on my mind today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dressed for the Season

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These bananas were feeling awfully left out with all the holiday cheer going on all around them. They demanded a shiny ball.

I am away teaching a 5-day workshop in Aurora, IL, in case you thought I had dropped off the face of the earth. I've got a very interesting group. One keeps falling out of her chair and tripping over things in the class. Another is covered head to toe in paint at the end of each day. The others just wine about how I make them work hard. Come to think of it - this is pretty normal.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Fall Dishes

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I've been doing so many paintings with white in them lately, I decided to see if I could make it work with ALL color! I don't think I've ever done this particular combination of colors before, and I'm diggin' it.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Balancing Act

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We got our new silverware from IKEA, and the side benefit is they make great props! They have lovely shapes, even from the end. As for my other props, I find myself getting mostly the same basic stuff again. I already have 7 different white cups and several little white plates. I had this exact glass pourer before, and of course you've already seen a few of my new bottles and jars. I have my eye out for different stuff, of course, but I seem to be able to endlessly compose with cups, plates, fruit and silverware.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Troglodytic Tomato

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This is a new size for me - 5x7in. I saw a student recently painting something horizontal and I thought - why on earth have I been doing squares, exclusively for so long?! Duh.

And regarding the title, sometimes I look up words in the thesaurus so both words start with the same letter. Silly, I know. Troglodytic means someone who lives a secluded life, who is unaquainted with affairs of the world. Maybe the tomato wants to live that way, but it sure looks lonely.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Angelic Slices

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I found this ceramic angel at the thrift store recently. I had to start over twice to get the proportion right, but once I did it was a blast to paint!

Monday, December 05, 2011

Hide Behind Stacks

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Someone asked how I get the reflections at the bottom. I have a big piece of glass - just regular glass - that I put in the bottom of my shadow box. I tape the front edge and only handle it from that end so I don't cut myself. I generally put down my cloth or paper first so I have some color or something underneath. In this case I had a gray yellow behind and white underneath.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

A Jarring Accident

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We spent most of the day painting ... the house. The living room is now a lovely yellow, and the kitchen terra cotta red. Is it a coincidence the colors are exactly the same as in the last house? Then this evening we had some friends over for dinner. This is my excuse for not having added any links yet to my blog roll. I am going to add a few tonight and more tomorrow.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Nutcracker Balls

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I apologize in advance if the title of this piece offends anyone. I couldn't possibly have been expected to resist.

It has taken me almost 3 months to get around to this, but one of things that happened right after the fire, when suddenly my blog was changed under my feet by blogger, was my blogroll (my list of links to other artists) was erased and lost forever. When I revamped my blog I made a short list of artists off the top of my head and stopped there. I've been meaning to ask - could you please email me with a link if I had you listed before? It may take me a while to piece it back together again. Please don't think I took you off to be mean, or if I take a while to add you back for the same reason.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Just Leafing

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I NEVER experienced a fall in Texas like this one here in Eugene. The leaves have been absolutely spectacular. And there are still quite a few of them hanging on. I found this one on the way home from Jacob's bus-stop and HAD to paint it. It was orange on one side and mostly red on the other side, hence the awesome glow.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Holiday Spirit

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I found these little (snow?) people at the thrift store last week. I was trying and trying to arrange them with this gold ornament sitting on the ground, to no avail. It was (yawn) so boring. I decided they were going to have to do some work for me and hold it up between them. And you know? they didn't even complain afterwards.